Things repeat themselves.

The darkness is my birthright.

I'm not good at making compromises.

I am a demanding person to interview.

I haven't that much of a sense of humour.

Sometimes I'm sad and mostly I like sad songs.

With Great power comes great need to take a nap

I wanted to be an opera singer since I was a very little girl.

I have no regrets except that I was born a woman instead of a man.

When I was a little girl I wanted to be a dancer. I studied ballet.

My dad is a great manager. He's not just competent - he's very clever.

Your voice is your identity. If you don't use it- you're halfway to Asphodel already.

My dad lives in Sicily, so I'm half Italian and half Irish - it's a fiery combination.

I've really enjoyed my three years at 'Hollyoaks.' I worked with the most amazing people.

I'm definitely a morning person. I wake up dead happy, looking forward to having my cereal!

In New York all the young people know me... I have a lot of friends... but I hate New York.

I have a reputation for not turning up to sing. It's something I want very badly to get rid of.

Image has an influence on what sort of car I will get to drive or deals that I'm offered by teams.

I have a habit of leaving places at the wrong time, just when something big may have happened for me.

I guess I'm rather self-destructive, and I like to give other people who are self-destructive a song to sing.

People in Finland have also adopted me because of my dad, and that's great, but it's the one language I can't speak.

Pressure is always a part of a racing driver's life, but my father helped me a lot on my way to becoming a F1 driver.

No matter how good a driver you are, you have to have the right car and the right team behind you in order to succeed.

I love film, and I think it's so important for kids to be educated about films and real life subjects that films cover.

It is a burden because I get asked about my father all the time. I just need to accept that he was a champion before me.

Yesterday doesn't count. It is what you do today that counts. No amount of talking about yesterday is going to change it.

When you do 'Mad Fat Diary' or 'The Village,' you always learn about the particular time period, and that's always nice for an actor.

I don't have a sense of time. Time is timeless to me, and I'm not in a hurry to get older. I mean, if I were worried about time, all the time, it would be terrible.

For me it was a normality having a father who was a world champion. I grew up with that, so it was never extra pressure. And I've never felt the need to emerge from his shadow.

When I started with the Velvets, I wanted to sing Lou's song 'I'm Waiting for the Man,' but he wouldn't let me. I guess he thought I didn't understand its meaning, and he was right.

Jim Morrison tells me that people are looking at the streets while I am looking at the moon. I do not feel connected enough [with the issues] to throw stones at a policeman. I want to throw stones at the whole world.

I remember my father's last race very clearly when he drove at Hockenheim in front of 100,000 people and I was sitting next to him on the roof of his car and waving to the fans. That was the moment when I thought: 'One day I want to do the same.'

It's very, very special for me. This is where I've grown up, it's my home, and winning the Monaco Grand Prix is the highlight of any racing driver's career and for me a childhood dream. It being my home makes it all the more special, unbelievable.

People think I'm not polite. But, what I have to say to people seems so unnecessary. I can't be forced. I'd rather just be what I feel. Even when I sing I try to imagine I'm all alone, there's nobody out there listening. I play with the notes, with the feeling. Each time the song is different for me.

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