She who dies with the most stilettos wins.

I happen to have an obsession with Korean food.

My aspiration was always to be a fashion editor.

Putting on fierce boots is an instant pick-me-up.

One graphic element captured the essence of spring

I've always spoken my mind. There's no reason not to!

Fashion is just an interpretation of the culture around us.

I'm a big believer that accessories can make or break a look.

Every stylish girl knows that when the sun goes down, the heel goes up.

I don't ride the subway. Either I walk, or I take a New York City taxi.

I've always been opinionated, unfortunately, to my mother's disappointment.

Nothing is more alluring to a man than a woman who looks good in her jeans.

Style is like a muscle: you have to exercise it regularly or you'll lose it.

I tend to wear leather pants with crew neck sweaters or leather jackets with denim.

If you invest in something a little more expensive with longevity, you'll use it more.

I actually started my career interning at Perry Ellis and got to work with Marc Jacobs.

It's empowering for women to have some tricks up their sleeve to help them look their best.

The best thing about my apartment is that it looks over Oscar de la Renta and all the shops.

Fashion is an expression of a time, of a place, of history. It's putting things into context.

I'm all about the high heel; I think it's the sexiest accessory ever made, including lingerie.

Serving jury duty is a fascinating little slice of life, with its motley crew of personalities.

Your wardrobe should complement your skill set, never detract - or distract - from your assets.

I was so passionate about being in the magazine industry, even when I first started at 'Mirabella.'

I'm really looking to reach any woman who's interested in refining and embracing her personal style.

Sweaters are a closet staple. They look great under a leather vest or with a pair of tailored trousers.

From time to time, you may see a girl wearing her black opaque tights as pants. They are, in fact, not.

It's refreshing to see a woman who can artfully weave her individuality into an otherwise safe ensemble.

Whenever I'm on a book tour, one of the questions I always get asked is what to wear to various occasions.

Fashion is expensive. Style is not. Some of the most stylish girls I know are certainly not the wealthiest.

Taking stock of what you own, when done correctly and thoroughly, helps dampen the urge to shop frivolously.

I love 'Project Runway' because I can really be of help to an industry and I can be supportive to designers.

I think New York is the center of fashion, even though L.A. has a lot of heritage and the glamour of Hollywood.

Always make sure your jewelry isn't taking over you or your ensemble and keep everything in proportion to your frame

If my closet were burning, it'd be my collection of jackets I would save - they always make me feel pulled-together.

Style is a deeply personal expression of who you are, and every time you dress, you are asserting a part of yourself.

I was born in Barranquilla, Colombia, and I came to attend high school in Massachusetts when I was about 15 years old.

I don't have a development deal, but the one thing I have learned is never say never. I will consider things as they come.

I love shopping for guys! A watch is a fantastic gift idea - an oversized, stainless steel version with links is classic and cool.

As always, work with your figure; draping, pleats, and proportion can work miracles when it comes to hiding flaws and enhancing assets.

I'm very classic and structural. I love clean lines and interesting, modern details. But I'm all about being streamlined - less is more.

Style is really very personal. It's kind of timeless. Style is really about how you put yourself together. It's something very personal.

When interviewing for any job, you of course want to dress appropriately for the position, but you also want to stay true to who you are.

Some girls on the street don't have a lot of money, but they have the best style. It's not about being able to buy everything in the store.

I was obsessed with fashion when I was young. I thought fashion meant fashion design, and I thought I wanted to be a designer at some point.

I do not do selfies! That's a tough one because I don't do selfies, but I think it's all about personal style. The more outrageous, the better.

My nightmare of nightmares is being overdressed for a casual event - I've done it! You have to have a real sense of what you want to communicate.

A great pair of shoes can make a $20 outfit look like couture, and a poorly constructed pair of shoes can make couture look like a cheap knockoff.

'Style Strategy' is about shopping smart, staying chic and making it all last. It's about showing women how to shop for value without compromising style.

I'm a real believer in dressing tone-on-tone. I'm not saying you need to dress black. Dress just one color so the colors are not breaking your silhouette.

Invest in a couple of really good things - a great, classic coat; a good pair of shoes; and a timeless bag - then fill in the gaps with lower-priced pieces.

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