The lost unicorn is in our presence!!

Lose this battle so we can win the war.

My gut tells me everything I need to know.

Everyone is just nicer to prettier people.

I work. I have a life. There's not much to tell.

I don't need protecting. I am not the girl you save. I am fine.

I am very good at what I do. I am better at it than anybody else.

I don't find myself to be the kind of person who is easily swayed.

I am the same on camera as I am off. I can't imagine being any other way.

Work helps. So does exercise. Stuff that numbs you, keeps you from thinking too much.

An actor is an expert at being someone else. A speaker is an expert at being themselves.

It is possible in this world to be pretty and funny and successful all at the same time.

I never tried to use anything besides my own sweat and blood and talent to get somewhere.

I was a big fan of Super Troopers, so working with the Broken Lizard guys was so much fun.

I am not the girl the guy gets at the end of the movie. I am not a fantasy. If you want me, earn me.

I'm very open about the fact that it's nice when someone says you're pretty. Especially for someone like me.

I don’t want normal and easy and simple. I want painful, difficult, devastating, life-changing, extraordinary love.

I'm a much more chill person now that I know who I am and know my own voice, so I don't really get nervous with live TV at all.

I love my career right now, and I won't be with anybody until they make my life as satisfying and as happy as my work makes me.

That’s the problem with heartbreak, to you it’s like an atomic bomb but to the world it’s just a cliche because in the end we all have the same experience.

It's me. I'm the thing that needs to be fixed. I'm the thing that needs to be handled. I'm the scandal. And the best way to deal with a scandal is to shut it down.

I can't give more than I have. It doesn't matter if I am the most beautiful person in the room. There is inevitably going to be somebody way shinier and more tan than my pasty self.

Probably the geekiest attribute that I have of them all is that I’ve always had a hard time meeting friends. Like no matter where I grew up and I moved around, I always had a hard time.

You know what I've seen? Is that people who have gone through unfair, horrific experiences, is that they have this will, and when they get support, a chance, they can not only survive, they can thrive.

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