Craft is everything.

Women are amazing lovers.

I was definitely a Daddy's boy.

I'm really nerdy, and I read a lot.

I know that Donald Trump is a smart man.

Shoes make an outfit; they're like rims for a car.

On 'Being Mary Jane,' I learned to embrace sex symbol.

I'd done 'Peter Pan' in a little pre-K class or whatever.

Poetry has, in a way, been my bridge to my acting career.

Some of the most amazing people I've met in life are cops.

Acting is the art of being and existing, and not being fake.

I think Gil Scott-Heron is a king. He's a brilliant, broken king.

There were uncles in my life that definitely knew the street life.

'Dark Blue' was a really solid show, and it stopped at season two.

So many athletes who have been close to me have been everything to me.

I always go into a character thinking, 'If it scares me, I can do it.'

I'm addicted to the hotel life. It's humbling and fly at the same time.

I would honestly say I'm in the turtle's race. My journey is a marathon.

When I think about the person who's been most in my ear, it's Joe Dumars.

You don't go to church and tell the choir how to sing if you're a visitor.

I come from the stage, so I started in New York, lived there for eleven years.

I've approached every character I've ever played with a poem, first and foremost.

I always have a backpack. I was a poet, so it reminds me of being a backpack poet.

I think the universe just brings people around others they find to be interesting.

Unlike many Californians or New Yorkers, college football is a religion down south.

I was going from Furman to the University of Georgia. I transferred to play football.

I don't make a big deal out of playing football at UGA to people who have interviewed me.

If reality shows are so popular, that means their viewers are screaming for more realness.

I'm not shutting myself off from kids; I'm remaining open to kids and the energy that they bring.

Real to Reel is a rare opportunity for new filmmakers to screen their work for industry insiders.

A powerful person is equally cool with their flaws and things that aren't powerful about them at all.

The reason why people don't get called back to sequels is because they did badly in the original [movie].

Deciding to not attach ourselves to something that doesn't appropriately represent us is extremely powerful.

I tend to want to put my fingers over my ears and not hear all of that, not hear that there are so many fans.

I would say, as loving as I am... I am definitely an extremely temperamental man who has a very large temper.

I was a 200-pound defensive back on Saturday, but after the season, I was performing 'Lysistrata' or 'Fences.'

To make your own family is just the most empowering thing ever. It's the greatest thing you can ever pull off.

I'm always like, 'Well, let's not rest on a critical acclaim or on a incredible review or on a great reception.'

I was at UGA playing with Champ Bailey and Hines Ward - both guys who will probably touch the Hall of Fame one day.

I have very much been a guy who's acknowledged how many women have directed me, have produced... it's been unbelievable.

I don't think you really have chemistry in the way that you want between two actors unless frustration is there as well.

For me, I'm always looking for the opportunity for a character that challenges me and lets me play two for the price of one.

I think 'Dark Blue' came to me while I was doing a project in London. I read it, and the character immediately popped out at me.

Actors are intelligent. Yet, many of them do not communicate well. That's what makes it so hard to have a relationship with one.

It's rare for artists to really stare deeply at themselves in the mirror, literally, because there's constantly a mirror on you.

I did 'Fences' off-broadway at the Beacon Theater, so it's amazing that Denzel Washington and Viola Davis brought it to Broadway.

If I could remake any Eighties project, it would be less an action flick than a character-driven drama with a rich story to tell.

The reality is our story and the way we love and our taste in clothing and everything else. And what we ambitiously feel we can be.

I've definitely had my moments in relationships where I've been able to say yes, I have been heartbroken, my heart has been broken.

That's the thing with me being a former athlete: in the way I attack characters and attack poetry is from the base of being an athlete.

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