I enjoy being a girl.

I'm a serial monogamist.

You cannot schedule death.

I just have an inability to lie.

Curvy is something to be proud of.

I like sparkles; I think I'm a magpie.

I want my shows to be eerie and mysterious.

I'm very affected by what I watch and read.

I feel curious about every situation I'm in.

I'm not a downtrodden woman. I just won't be.

I think everybody should focus on inner beauty.

We live in a society where everything's packaged.

I get to know my regular fans, and they inspire me.

It's celebrated in British culture to be eccentric.

I'd rather be on my own than be with a violent man.

I'd never go on a reality show - it's too invasive.

I wasn't really comfortable reading until I was 12.

I've got so many clothes; I can dress in any style.

I feel quite fearless protecting the people I love.

Whatever you are, you have the right to get married.

I'd rather die than let somebody get the better of me.

If I see something that inspires me, I'll dress like it.

I like someone with a really good and dark sense of humour.

You feel a sense of elation seeing yourself on a billboard.

I try not to brand myself 'weird' any more because it sticks.

My favourite authors are Milan Kundera and Jeanette Winterson.

I just really want to make albums - and however I can, I will.

It's amazing living alone. I'm very lucky. It's like a refuge.

All the things that I find beautiful have a darkness about them.

There's nothing wrong with a thick eyebrow; Frida Kahlo had them.

I really hate bureaucracy and the idea that I'm not a free person.

I dread the idea of a paparazzi snapping me while I'm out running.

Sometimes when you've got too much money you lose your imagination.

I'm proud of being British, but I think our aristocracy is overrated.

I love going to the cinema. Whenever I get time off, that's where I go.

I think soul is soul. I don't see new soul as any different to old soul.

I like not to feel that all my eggs are in one basket, or I get nervous.

There's nothing better than achieving your goals, whatever they might be.

I'm not interested in what other people are doing. That's their business.

We all get old, but I always say the skinny, pretty girls will be screwed.

I love interesting people with eccentric stories and outsiders of the world.

I don't have a daily routine, beyond brushing my teeth. It changes every day.

Dressing up is like therapy; I feel better in myself when I've made an effort.

Real talent shines through regardless of how many others there are around you.

Cinema affects everything, from the way I get dressed to how I build my stages.

I don't normally have time to read, so when I go away I like to take a few books.

I vote Labour and can't begin to acknowledge anything good that comes from a Tory.

I really like to please people, and I think it's a symptom of being an only child.

I'd love to say that I could write political songs, but I don't feel clued-up enough.

Compared to a lot of artists, I'm usually quite covered up in videos and photo shoots.

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