I have quick hands.

I usually wear sweats.

It's the NBA. It's a business.

I'm spicy and I've got skills.

I've always been a hard worker.

I'm always big on getting better.

I'm from Cameroon, Central Africa.

Basketball is bigger than just a game.

I could have played soccer if I wanted.

It doesn't matter where you get drafted.

Basketball Without Borders gave me an edge.

Yeah, I'm definitely really good at 'FIFA.'

I was a soccer player. Basketball wasn't my thing.

I just got to be engaged on both sides of the floor.

It means a lot when your peers see your improvement.

For me, I don't put a cap on what I can accomplish, right?

I mean, I went to a Catholic school - they call it seminary.

I don't compare myself to anybody. I try to be my own player.

I always thought I could do everything that a guard could do.

For me, it's just about working hard every day and getting better.

Cologne, you know, you gotta make sure you smell good all the time.

A lot of people get to the NBA, but how many people stay in the NBA?

I focus on working on my craft and the rest will take care of itself.

I was in the choir before. I don't know if a lot of people know that.

LaMarcus Aldridge, his midrange game, his turnaround jumper is awesome.

You have to take advantage of every opportunity that you get and go hard.

I think it's always good to learn on the court instead of being on the bench.

There's no way to practice or run or do anything to match the speed of the game.

If you watch my game, freshman year to sophomore year, I was a different player.

As an NBA player you want to help your team win at any cost, that's my main goal.

Most of the time when I don't set goals, I always exceed whatever goal people have.

I trust the NBA, I trust the league and Adam Silver and the job he's been able to do.

I just want to keep working and keep getting better and I'm always going to get better.

After MIP, it was like, 'OK, there is way more.' We thinking MVP, we thinking All-Star.

Nobody's going to replace your dad, but I had some support from people who cared for me.

I said before, I want to be a starter, I want to be an all-star - not a borderline all-star.

It's easy to relax and get comfortable but you can't be comfortable if you want to be great.

Like I always say, whatever is my weakness, I try to work on it and I try to get better at it.

The fact that I will be a relentless rebounder and I will go for every rebound. That's a skill.

Being able to make plays goes a lot, helps me navigate the defense and find open guys or score myself.

In college from my freshman year to my sophomore year, I always got better, and that's just my mindset.

I've always put the work in to not only get be an All-Star, but be an All-Star for a long time. That's my goal.

I gotta continue within the offence and just understand it, pick and choose when to attack and things like that.

I watch a lot of players. Guys like Kenneth Faried, his motor. I'm trying to take that and put that into my game.

Winning a championship was the best thing that has happened to me that I've been through, that I've seen in my life.

I'm an athlete. Anything that involves running or jumping I've always been excited about, so basketball was exciting.

I have to be able to shoot the ball, I have to be able to dangerous not only going to the basket but on the perimeter.

Having fun with family, playing video games, and listening to music calms me down and gets me away from the NBA world.

I'm definitely not a personal-type guy where I care about personal accolades and stuff, but definitely a team-guy first.

I got to have more of those type of games where I'm just engaged. It doesn't matter the score or how many points I score.

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