I've guarded a lot of people.

I am the coolest dad in the world.

I come from very humble beginnings.

You don't ever salute losing - ever.

Me and J-Lin are really good friends.

The city of Houston's been great to me.

Faith and hard work have been my mirror.

I love playing against my friend D-Rose.

You get rid of the mistakes by playing hard.

I got hit in the face with quarters overseas.

I just want to shine a light on the city of Chicago.

I'm not physically intimidated by anyone on this earth.

I just have an ability to heal quicker than others I guess.

I can't name a backup point guard better than me in the NBA.

First and foremost, you never want to see anyone get injured.

Europe has by far the most hostile crowds I've ever played in.

That's the greatest thing about America, freedom that we have.

I can't let myself down. I can't let my hood down, my area down.

I'm the best guard in this league, defensively, man, hands down.

My story is all about proving myself, no matter what level I'm on.

I'll never forget where I come from. Especially my humble beginnings.

Don't talk to me about getting comfortable. It makes me uncomfortable.

I feel like any team I'm on, I can help take that team to the playoffs.

I'm locked in no matter what I'm doing. If it's a competition, I'm locked in.

I think my biggest trait is to play extremely hard within the rules of the game.

Things are not going to be easy, things are not going to be fair. Just do your best.

I don't want personal battles that take away from the team. I'm trying to win games.

I'm talking to my teammates and talking to the opponent. That's the type of player I am.

I'm not physically intimidated by anyone unless the Man Above comes and walks into my face.

No matter what type of Christmas you have, if you woke up and you seen a bike there, you remember it.

I feel like I can play with any team. Whatever team that is, I feel like I can make an instant impact.

Being a point guard in this league, you have to balance out people - the emotions and stuff like that.

I can't turn my aggression off and I can't turn it on; it's just instilled in me and that's how I play.

Of course, the human part of you wants to take as much money as you see, but all money isn't good money.

So what if you have two points? As long as we win, what does it matter? What if you don't have no points?

I hate being pressured. I hate when someone gets in my personal area. That's why I do it to everybody else.

You know me, I'm not big into the numbers. I just like to go out there and have fun and have a ton of energy.

When you're in L.A., you have a different platform than playing anywhere else. Brighter lights. Bigger media.

My mom tells me this a lot: My approach is very different from a lot of people. I don't have a subtle approach.

I get booed everywhere I go. If that can take that off my teammates, that's good. Everyone else can just be calm.

I am Chicago. I'm from Chicago. I bleed Chicago. I really think I can help the city. I think I can save the city.

People don't believe this, but until sixth grade I'd never seen a white person who wasn't with the police or on TV.

If a guy hits seven contested threes, tip your hat off to him. Good game. But in most of the cases, that won't happen.

Coming from the projects, we used to sneak into the United Center, watch some games; they chased us out and everything.

I can shoot the 3. I can play off the catch. I get offensive rebounds. And I still have a lot of energy left to defend.

I am from the West Side of Chicago. I have been looking over my shoulder my whole life. I am not worried about a death threat.

I have the mindset of a coach. I have to think, what would a coach think? How would a coach feel if I'm playing a guy a certain way?

I worked in the summertime with the Bulls, I don't know, two-three years in a row, Vinny Del Negro, he told me I didn't play defense.

Basketball players want to be comfortable, they want to be lackadaisical, they want to make the right passes and take the right shots.

J-Lin is a phenomenal playmaker. He can pass the ball with either hand, left or right. Me, I'm more of a quick, defensive spot-up shooter.

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