Elephants are magnificient creatures.

There is no independent American print or TV media.

Justice is no longer a concern of the justice system.

Once a country descends into evil, it doesn't emerge.

The planet is being polluted with many forms of wastes.

Putin does not lie. When he says something, he means it.

War is the only destination to which Washington can lead.

If all countries are exceptional, the word loses its meaning.

For a country to be looted, its people's voice must be silenced.

In the Matrix in which Americans live, nothing is ever their fault.

When the world looks at America, what it sees is an Israeli colony.

When character is lost, rules and punishments cannot take its place.

The champions of globalism are the champions of America's destruction.

It is the nature of government and of technology to establish control.

There is no reason for a person to have thousands of millions of dollars.

Washington's Corruption and Mendacity Is What Makes America 'Exceptional'

Looting is the only way left for the Western financial system to make money.

Washington's impulsive use of power is a danger to America and to the world.

The foreign policy of the United States rests entirely on propagandistic lies.

We need a memorial day to commemorate the victims of neoliberal globalization.

Every public institution in the United States and most private ones are corrupt.

As the U.S. is import-dependent, this will translate into higher domestic prices.

Clearly the climate is changing, whether caused by CO2 emissions or some other cause.

When America's Newspaper of Record is nothing but a propaganda ministry, what is America?

Corporations and Wall Street in pursuit of short-term profits have given the economy away.

Washington is a black hole into which all sanity is sucked out of government deliberations.

Humans regard animals as worthy of protection only when they are on the verge of extinction.

As truth is Washington's worst enemy, everyone associated with the truth is Washington's enemy.

In the U.S., society and the environment have to pick up the tab produced by capitalist activity.

The real Social Security crisis is that the government does not have the money to redeem its IOUs.

I have no sympathy for debunking human achievements that, in the end, gave ordinary people liberty.

There are enough fools in Washington to destroy the country without any help from Muslim terrorists.

Few Americans other than the One Percent have a stake in the American economic and political system.

If you want to learn real economics instead of neoliberal junk economics, read Michael Hudson's books.

In the United States, journalists receive awards for lying for the government and for the corporations.

Law is just one public institution, but it is a cornerstone of society. When law goes, everything goes.

The neoconservative ideology supports American financial and military-political imperialism or hegemony.

A country in which 42% of the population is totally misinformed is not a country where democracy is safe.

As the growing emphasis on feelings crowds out reason, facts will play a smaller role in public discourse.

The unambigious fact is that U.S. capitalism is a mechanism for looting the many for the benefit of the few.

A country that goes out of its way to imprison the innocent has no business preaching democracy to the world.

I have come to the conclusion that the West is a vast lie machine for the secret agendas of vested interests.

The concentration of U.S. income and wealth in the hands of the very rich is a new development in my lifetime.

The propagandistic American 'media' and the crazed neoconservatives have set humanity on the path to destruction.

There was no terrorism in the Middle East until Washington brought it there with invasions, bombings, and torture.

Progressives regard government as the white knight that protects the public from the greed of capitalists. If only.

The United States has collapsed economically, socially, politically, legally, constitutionally, and environmentally.

It is impossible to work out a reduction in nuclear threat as long as one side is going all out to demonize the other.

A government that cannot survive truth and must resort to stamping out truth is not a government that any country wants.

In 21st century America, capitalism has been unfettered from the regulations that democratized it and made it serve society.

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