Acting is constant exploration.

The worst acting is about imitation.

It isnt always hard work that does the job.

It isn't always hard work that does the job.

I don't know what an audience wants to see but I know what I like to see.

I look forward to the end of all this money-making part of the career, to be truthful.

Strive to be authentic all the time. That's sort of my philosophy on life, which applies to acting.

It's exciting to think that something I'm involved in is touching so many people in so many cultures.

American shows don't always translate, but this one has and speaking for myself I'm quite glad for it.

The real rub is finding that authentic self and it's not something that's going to come to you overnight.

Well I think that the mind of a serial killer and the mind of the detectives represent the duality we face as people.

You know, dramas are much more expensive to do than say a comedy, so any kind of deficit like that is picked up on when it comes time for them to pick up new shows.

Some of the best movies made about crime are those where the crime solver can get inside the head of the serial killer, and those are the techniques we use in C.S.I.

I've always thought really good artists in general are overqualified. You're paid to stand there and do a line, but the guy has probably gone to drama school... but they have developed it to be just, like, one specific line.

I think everyone, all of us, are complicated people. We have jobs that require us to be a certain way. We all do. Unfortunately, our jobs overtake our personality, but that is the world. We live in a conundrum. You have to keep it together.

The thing that attracted me to 'CSI' is that these guys are always professional, but underneath, it's teeming with a heavy shadow. Maybe even some decadence and some weirdness with certain characters! And that always intrigued me as an actor.

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