Some candidates can sit in an office for 10 hours a day asking for money. That's just not who I am.

The goal of every married couple, indeed, every Christian home, should be to make Christ the Head, the Counselor and the Guide.

Ultimately, you change the culture in Washington only one way, and it's one election at a time, with the character of the people you send.

Like most Americans, I feel disgusted when we see people make decisions based on party politics rather than a solution that is best for the country.

The truth is we need to build an economy going forward with all of us, when we all move forward and the payment of a national debt is not the responsibility of one group of Americans versus another.

I went to Washington several times at the request of different parties to talk about education reform. I used to always say I felt like I needed to take a shower after I left, because it was so partisan that I just really hated it.

As we study the Word of God rightly divided we are to understand that God has arranged His dealings with mankind into two programs. We have His prophesied purpose and His secret purpose. Prophecy has to do with the earth and Christ's reign upon it during the millennial kingdom, while the Mystery concerns our exaltation with Christ in the heavenlies.

It has been said that God's gift is also indescribable because of the grace by which it is given. God, who is rich in mercy, gave the world the gift of His dear Son while we were at enmity with Him. Paul says: 'But God commendeth His love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us' (Rom. 5:8). Therefore, in Him we are freely given all things: redemption, forgiveness of sins, righteousness, peace, hope, wisdom and knowledge.

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