I am proud to be a Southerner.

If you have a dream, FOLLOW IT.

I is what I is, and I'm not changing.

Would I have fired me? Knowing me? No.

A balanced diet is a cookie in both hands.

I've got two vices: cigarettes and taters.

Talking about money is garish. It's tacky.

You can't make stuffing with sweet cornbread.

I am proof that the American dream still exists.

Love is blind, but marriage is a real eye-opener.

I'm so thankful. God has been so good and generous.

You know, nobody can ever cook as good as your mama.

Love is like smiling, it never fades and is contagious.

I can't, myself, determine what offends another person.

There's so much going on. I almost never have a moment.

It's amazing how good getting up and moving makes you feel.

Life is too short to wonder where you hid your waffle maker.

We are our brothers keeper. Its going to be up to all of us.

Everyday you wake up on the right side of the dirt is a good one.

I'll keep peace at all cost, even if I choke to death on my tongue.

I'm more spiritual than I am religious. I don't go to church; I go to the beach.

I know I can cook, but the place where I cook... it's a mess! I'm very disorganized.

Chicken breast is the driest, [most] tasteless part of the chicken as far as I'm concerned.

I will never use a substitute for butter. Margarine is one molecule away from eating plastic.

You can have diabetes and have a piece of cake. You cannot have diabetes and eat a whole cake.

I don't want to spend my life not having good food going into my pie hole. That hole was made for pies.

Change doesn’t happen overnight. It starts with the desire, then one small step in the right direction.

I was determined to share my positive approach and not let diabetes stand in the way of enjoying my life.

Bein' rich is having leftovers. Good leftovers make yo' tongue fly outta yo' mouth and smack yo' brains out.

You don't want to make a steady diet of just lettuce. You don't want to make a steady diet of fried chicken.

I believe that everyone should be treated equal, that's the way I was raised and that's the way I live my life.

Southerners have never been afraid of seasoning. It's kind of the other way around; our seasoning is afraid of us.

I'm making little changes in my life to take care of myself, like putting in a mile or two on my treadmill every day.

I don't care what the haters and naysayers say. If they make jokes about me, I'll laugh because they'll probably be funny.

You never know who you will meet along life's journey. You have to be open to risks, but calculated risks, open to winning.

Down South, even our vegetables have some pig hidden somewhere in it. A vegetable isn't a vegetable without a little ham hock.

I feel like 'embattled' or 'disgraced' will always follow my name. It's like that black football player who recently came out.

There's nothing better than being able to give your children wings so they can soar and fly in the direction they want to go in.

Cooking has always brought me a happiness that I didn't think was available. I just fire up the stove, and things start to fade away.

I think no matter what the occasion may be, you can never go wrong by showing up at the dinner table with a hot plate of fried chicken.

On my show I share all these yummy, fattening recipes, but I tell people, in moderation, in moderation. You can have that little piece of pie.

It’s just what they are — they’re jokes…most jokes are about Jewish people, rednecks, black folks…I can’t determine what offends another person.

I think if you've been invited to someone's house, you eat what they serve you. Even if you leave hungry, you be gracious enough to eat what they've prepared.

I will never use a substitute for butter. Margarine is one molecule away from eating plastic. If I'm going to eat that type of food, it's going to be the real deal.

Having an audience is almost like plugging me into an electrical outlet. People feed me so much of their energy. We have a great time. It's all about the fellowship.

There's not one food that causes diabetes.What causes Type II diabetes is being overweight... I've just come to grips, over the past four or five months, with my diabetes.

There's not one food that causes diabetes. What causes Type II diabetes is being overweight... I've just come to grips, over the past four or five months, with my diabetes.

If you've got a good idea and you're willing to do whatever it takes to pursue it, keep your head up and eyes open because you don't know when opportunity will come knocking.

People see me on TV two and three times a day, and see me cooking all these wonderfully Southern, fattening dishes. That's only 30 days out of 365. And it's for entertainment.

I believe that... every one of God's creatures was created equal. I believe that everyone should be treated equal, that's the way I was raised and that's the way I live my life.

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