Design always has a purpose.

Design really can be anything.

Really, everything is designed.

You have to have a lot of kids.

Beige is the color of indecision.

Great design is serious, not solemn

Marketing is neither good nor evil.

Words have meaning, type has spirit.

Design exists to serve some purpose.

New Zealand looks like the future to me

Your name is Windows. Why are you a flag?

Helvetica is the font of the Vietnam War.

I love that the level of mediocrity rises.

When I don't know all the rules I'm just wild.

Art has no purpose. It exists for its own sake.

I think that it's a great time to be a designer.

My expectation is that technology always changes.

All maps are distorted, they are not literal fact.

I do different things. I'm a designer. I'm a painter.

I'm most proud of the fact that I get to keep growing.

Marketing is a necessary part of the creative process.

I like what I do. So why would I want to stop doing it?

I'm not from a generation of kids that grew up on a Mac.

I wasn't a very good illustrator so I became a designer.

Planning involves considering how other people may use something.

The goal of design is to raise the expectation of what design can be

We don't do everything the same way we always did it. We just don't.

I've become much more interested in architecture than I've ever been.

Design is the art of planning, and it is the art of making things possible.

What makes me say "wow" continually changes. It changes based on what I know.

You can't say there shouldn't be marketing and (that) marketing is a bad thing.

To me what really matters is that it shouldn't matter to you what day of the week it is.

Whatever you design[/make/build], use it to raise the expectations of what can be achieved

It's through mistakes that you actually can grow. You have to get bad in order to get good.

I love the big scale and immediate impact of posters. They're my favourite things to design.

I know that in my own work I'm able to do all kinds of things I never thought I'd be able to do.

I think that the ability of people to accept new things is growing, and that's good for all of us.

The work needs to get out of your head and on to the table, and it needs to be done from the heart.

Creativity has to do with what came before you immediately, not what came before you a long time ago.

It took me a few seconds to draw it, but it took me 34 years to learn how to draw it in a few seconds.

The best way to accomplish serious design ... is to be totally and completely unqualified for the job.

Marketing is not inherently bad. That's just dumb. That's said by somebody that isn't doing enough work.

If I get up every day with the optimism that I have the capacity for growth, then that’s success for me.

As a painter I make up projects for myself to express myself. And there's no client, there's no direction.

I think design, to a degree, is more generous and more humanistic than art, though great art can move us more.

Stefan Sagmeister says that nobody innovates past forty-five, but I think he's wrong. I want to keep doing it.

If people that made products didn't market them and sell them we'd have no economy and nobody would be working.

All the little risks I took were sort of like all the apartments I had moved into: I was finding the right spot.

I'm hoping that I continue to be innovative on things that are tremendously visible and are still important projects.

We become different people and we adapt to our environments, but that doesn't have anything to do with being creative.

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