Long live free France.

I believe in life after death.

I believe in God, and I'm a Christian.

I've always lived in a democratic society.

Power only tires those who don't exercise it.

I've been called worse things by better people.

The essential ingredient of politics is timing.

People are more interested in ideas than dress.

The state has no place in the nation's bedrooms.

Harvard was an extraordinary window on the world.

Le raison avant la passion - Reason over passion.

My life is one long curve, full of turning points.

Luck, that's when preparation and opportunity meet.

What shall we do about the Abortion Bill?" A: "Pay it!

The state has no business in the bedrooms of the nation.

I don't believe you can contain ideas by military force.

I honestly don't know what they mean by a devout Catholic.

Paddling a canoe is a source of enrichment and inner renewal.

Canada is seen to some as a confederation of shopping centres.

I feel very deeply for Canada, and l believe most Canadians do.

I am peaceful but I am not a pacifist in the philosophical sense.

Canada is not a country for the cold of heart or the cold of feet.

It is wonderful to be despised, if, deep down, we know we are right.

The best thing you can possibly do for a friend is to be his friend.

I feel perhaps I didn't deal with the question of violence in depth.

The new frontier lies not beyond the planets but within each one of us.

We are in the extreme centre, the radical middle. That is our position.

The attainment of a just society is the cherished hope of civilized men.

I think that religions must seek peace and love and therefore be pacifist.

In my religion I really cannot think of cases where violence is justified.

Sometimes you must live in a violent world in order to get greater justice.

I think violence is counter-productive and it is bad in democratic societies.

In my political philosophy I think that there sometimes is room for violence.

I just think you Westerners should take over this country if you are so smart.

For my part...I am a realist but, somehow, optimism always keeps breaking out.

Every time I have a political rally I meet some people who say, "I need a job."

I remember thinking that walking on the beach as a free man is pretty desirable.

We don't think every man should be free to pass on everything to his descendants.

I must say that "Give Peace a Chance" has always seemed to me to be sensible advice.

If Canada is to survive, it can only survive in mutual respect and in love for one another.

I don't see any easy way of disqualifying people on the basis that they decide not to work.

I will use all my strength to bring about a just society to a nation living in a tough world.

I can see that in certain political situations you have to use force to overthrow police states.

I recognize that in some cases it's more important to have freedom and justice than to have peace.

Well, I am trying to put Quebec in its place - and the place of Quebec is in Canada, nowhere else.

I do object to the sensationalism or even the voyeurism of doing things in church or out of church.

Democracy demands that elected members be able to realize fully the role for which they have been chosen.

The next time you see Jesus Christ, ask Him what happened to the just society He promised 2,000 years ago.

When they are 50 yards from Parliament Hill, they are no longer honourable members, they are just nobodies.

I was too busy doing my job and living my life to spend time keeping notes for some future volume of memoirs.

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