My time is now.

Long live free France.

I believe in life after death.

Vision is not political rhetoric.

War is the science of destruction.

Religion gets in the way of morality.

I believe in God, and I'm a Christian.

Every hour of useful work is precious.

Reasonable people can have differences.

I am not denying anything I did not say.

The twentieth century belongs to Canada.

I have always been a House of Commons man.

I've always lived in a democratic society.

Politics is a game requiring great coolness.

The only failures are those who fail to try.

Usury once in control will wreck the nation.

Politics is the skilled use of blunt objects.

Power only tires those who don't exercise it.

We'll jump off that bridge when we come to it.

I had - and have - huge respect for John Crow.

Canada is free and freedom is its nationality.

For too many, to work means having less income.

The essential ingredient of politics is timing.

People are more interested in ideas than dress.

Diplomacy is letting someone else have your way.

The state has no place in the nation's bedrooms.

I am so excited about Canadians ruling the world.

This is the province that pioneered dreaming big.

Le raison avant la passion - Reason over passion.

Harvard was an extraordinary window on the world.

My life is one long curve, full of turning points.

There is no greater honour than to serve Canadians.

Luck, that's when preparation and opportunity meet.

Quebec does not have Opinions, but only sentiments.

If I were not French I would choose to be - Scotch.

Understanding the nature of conflict leads to peace.

You do not want to get your debt ratio out of whack.

Fraternity without absorption, union without fusion.

Once you articulate an agenda, you have to follow it.

The election is not a time to discuss serious issues.

This country is made up of small towns and big dreams.

What shall we do about the Abortion Bill?" A: "Pay it!

You have to look at history as an evolution of society.

I am not anti-American. But I am strongly pro-Canadian.

The state has no business in the bedrooms of the nation.

I don't believe you can contain ideas by military force.

Give me better wood and I will make you a better cabinet.

Canada is the homeland of equality, justice and tolerance.

Government cannot and must not replace private initiative.

I honestly don't know what they mean by a devout Catholic.

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