My mom is a sculptress.

Shame is the shadow of love.

The devil wanders into my soul.

[Writing] has helped me meet people.

I'm always trying to swim to new ground.

I'm finding my way, and I make mistakes.

Well, I'm quite a self-deprecating person.

Never settle for anything less than you want.

I think Ive got a pretty good sense of humor.

I like to be around things that I find inspiring.

People want to build musicians into mythical beings.

It's good to feel excited by the environment you're in.

Love for money is my sin, any man calls, I'll let him in.

I think I've been interested in music since I was little.

There is nothing more boring than doing singing exercises.

I enjoy looking like a tart and thinking like a politician.

Ive always been very visceral in that I feel things very deeply.

I studied art just short of the level where you can earn a degree.

I see men come and go, but there'll be one who'll collect my soul.

I've always been very interested in the visual aspect of what I do.

Writing is something that I practice at every day to get better at.

I had a chip on my shoulders 'cause I felt like I was being overlooked.

People have a tendency to see country life through rose-colored glasses.

I make tiny wooden people with bits of hair. Puppets and things like that.

I firmly disbelieve that one has to be a tortured soul to write good music.

I'm doing quite a lot of painting on stones - little funny fish and animals.

When I write - I always write on my own - I demo those songs on a four-track.

Before I record for real, I know pretty much exactly how I want them to feel.

It's so much in me to want to keep experimenting all the time. It's just inherent.

My town was even smaller. Only six hundred people. We didn't have a grocery store.

It's so interesting to me how songs take on a shape and body of their own and grow.

Well, I don't really concern myself too much with what other people make of my work.

I really don't pay too much attention; I don't go out of my way to read any interviews.

When I was young, I had idols that I thought were wonderful. I wanted to be just like them.

Fly with me, touch the face of the true God. And then cry with joy at the depth of my love.

I do take enormous interest in what's going on. I try to see whatever I can, whenever I can.

But huge photographs of dead bodies are slightly different. I couldn't find much humor there.

Making me into a role model is placing too much importance on what I see as a work in progress.

I'm always writing, the past 10 years. A lot has changed, in that it's something I do every day.

I'm not an autobiographical writer, but I am a writer who deals with human emotion on all levels.

I feel that my dreamscapes are part of my everyday life, and sometimes I can't tell the difference.

I am someone that follows the news and reads newspapers yet what do you believe and what don't you.

In the same way, I write some of my more difficult pieces when I'm at very happy stages in my life.

Obviously, the emotions I want to convey through music are streamed through the way I interpret life.

People have this idea of me being some kind of monster, and that's the complete opposite of who I am.

[I] try to do both because the writing for me, to be a new artist, the writing is gonna pay the bills.

I'm probably much more influenced by film-makers and painters than I am by other songwriters or poets.

First off, I think nudity is taken differently in America, though they did make a fuss in England, too.

Maybe I'm just purely lucky. If I've come up against obstacles I've always found another way around it.

I did photography, painting, and drawing, but I prefer sculpture. I like it because it's very physical.

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