The future is a choice between Utopia and oblivion.

The end move in politics is always to pick up a gun.

Seeing-is-believing is a blind spot in man's vision.

If you change the environment, you change the people.

Conceptuality is subjective; realization is objective.

Mistakes are great, the more I make the smarter I get.

...primarily the individual is going to study at home.

There is no energy crisis, only a crisis of ignorance.

Truth is the progressive diminution of residual error.

Pollution is nothing but resources we're not harvesting.

The more we learn the more we realize how little we know.

Our brains deal exclusively with special-case experiences.

You never change people by fighting their existing reality.

Rashness is the faithful, but unhappy parent of misfortune.

Every child has an enormous drive to demonstrate competence.

Don't try to make me consistent. I am learning all the time.

Search others for their virtue, and yourself for your vices.

I'm not a genius. I'm just a tremendous bundle of experience.

We are called to be architects of the future, not its victims.

Pollution is merely a resource that isn't being used properly.

The nearest each of us can come to God is by loving the truth.

Whenever I draw a circle, I immediately want to step out of it.

God, to me, it seems, is a verb not a noun, proper or improper.

The Universe consists of non-simultaneously apprehended events.

We are prisoners of our own metaphors, metaphorically speaking.

Ninety-nine percent of who you are is invisible and untouchable.

You cannot question an assumption you do not know you have made.

Ninety-nine per cent of who you are is invisible and untouchable.

Technology paces industry, but there's a long lag in the process.

The World has become too dangerous for anything less than Utopia.

Mind is the antithesis of reflex, and only mind could discover mind

Perception is one millionth of one percent reality (truth in fact).

Everyone is born a genius, but the process of living de-geniuses them.

As long as one human being is hungry, the entire human race is hungry.

The one common experience of all humanity is the challenge of problems.

The earth is like a spaceship that didn't come with an operating manual.

A problem adequately stated is a problem well on its way to being solved.

Humanity is acquiring all the right technology for all the wrong reasons.

Wealth is a measure of a person's ability to survive so many days forward.

To ask a politician to lead us is to ask the tail of a dog to lead the dog.

The pyramids, attached with age, have forgotten the names of their founders.

The more for whom we strive to serve, the greater effectiveness we will have.

One can study a caterpillar forever and never be able to predict a butterfly.

You don't belong to you. You belong to the Universe and you're here to serve.

Racism, pollution and the rest of it are themselves very close to extinction.

The wave is not the water. The water merely told us about the wave moving by.

I'm not trying to copy Nature, I'm trying to find the principles she's using.

I just invent, then wait until man comes around to needing what I've invented.

Always tell only the truth, and all the truth, and do so promptly - right now.

It is well known that of every strong woman they say she has a masculine mind.

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