You can't better the world by simply talking to it. Philosophy to be effective must be mechanically applied.

Nature is all that we think we know plus all that we don't know whether or not we know that we don't know it.

We will always have war until there is enough of every essential to support all lives everywhere around earth.

All children are born geniuses; 9,999 out of every 10,000 are swiftly, inadvertently degeniusized by grownups.

Dear reader, traditional human power structures and their reign of darkness are about to be rendered obsolete.

Love is omni-inclusive, progressively exquisite, understanding and compassionately attuned to other than self.

Humans have always unknowingly affected all Universe by every act and thought they articulate or even consider.

Dwell not too long upon sports: for as they refresh a man that is weary, so they weary a man that is refreshed.

We are powerfully imprisoned in these Dark Ages simply by the terms in which we have been conditioned to think.

Nature is trying very hard to make us succeed, but nature does not depend on us. We are not the only experiment.

None of the world's problems will have a solution until the world's individuals become thoroughly self-educated.

We should stop kidding ourselves. We should let go of things that aren't true. It's always better with the truth.

We as economic society are going to have to pay our whole population to go to school and pay it to stay at school.

Everything you've learned in school as "obvious" becomes less and less obvious as you begin to study the universe.

My ideas have undergone a process of emergence by emergency. When they are needed badly enough, they are accepted.

Tombs are the clothes of the dead and a grave is a plain suit; while an expensive monument is one with embroidery.

A designer is an emerging synthesis of artist, inventor, mechanic, objective economist and evolutionary strategist.

You cannot change how someone thinks, but you can give them a tool to use which will lead them to think differently.

If we design the environment properly It will permit both child and adult to develop safely And to behave logically.

Dolphins may well be carrying information as well as functions critical to the regeneration of life upon our planet.

For at least 2,000,000 years men have been reproducing and multiplying on a little automated spaceship called earth.

People should think things out fresh and not just accept conventional terms and the conventional way of doing things.

You can never learn less; you can only learn more. The reason I know so much is because I have made so many mistakes.

Consisting mostly of recirculating scrapped metals, 80% of all the metals that have ever been mined are still at work.

The explicable requires the inexplicable. Experience requires the nonexperienceable. The obvious requires the mystical.

You can't change the way people think, all you can do is give them a tool, the use of which will change their thinking.

It is the integrity of each individual human that is in final examination. On personal integrity hangs humanity's fate.

God is the great comprehensive a priori integrity of Universe within which human beings find themselves to be operating.

Now there is one outstanding important fact regarding spaceship earth, and that is that no instruction book came with it.

A pattern has an integrity independent of the medium by virtue of which you have received the information that it exists.

I am deeply impressed with the designer of the universe; I am confident I couldnt have done anywhere near such a good job.

Havenotness is caused by society's failure to design and produce the right tools and goods. Money alone is not the panacea.

It is a fact today that one in ten thousand of us can make a technological breakthrough capable of supporting all the rest.

You can't change anything by fighting or resisting it. You change something by making it obsolete through superior methods.

Now there is one outstandingly important fact regarding Spaceship Earth, and that is that no instruction book came with it.

It is not for me to change you. The question is, how can I be of service to you without diminishing your degrees of freedom?

Humans beings always do the most intelligent thing…after they’ve tried every stupid alternative and none of them have worked

There is only one revolution tolerable to all men, all societies, all political systems: Revolution by design and invention.

I am convinced all of humanity is born with more gifts than we know. Most are born geniuses and just get de-geniused rapidly.

Specialization breeds biases that ultimately aggregate as international and ideological discord, which, in turn, leads to war.

Right now I am a passenger on space vehicle Earth zooming about the Sun at 60,000 miles per hour somewhere in the solar system.

If success or failure of this planet and of human beings depended on how I am and what I do... HOW WOULD I BE? WHAT WOULD I DO?

The Things to do are: the things that need doing, that you see need to be done, and that no one else seems to see need to be done.

Human beings were given a left foot and a right foot to make a mistake first to the left, then to the right, left again and repeat.

Pollution is nothing but the resources we are not harvesting. We allow them to disperse because we've been ignorant of their value.

I would say, then, that you are faced with a future in which education is going to be number one amongst the great world industries.

I am convinced that creativity is a priori to the integrity of the universe and that life is regenerative and conformity meaningless.

When individuals join in a cooperative venture, the power generated far exceeds what they could have accomplished acting individually.

Integrity is the courage and self-discipline to cooperate and initiate according to the Divine, which you know in your heart as Truth.

There is enough for everyone. People think that there isn't enough, so they get as much as they can, so many people don't have enough.

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