Learning Telugu was scary.

I'm happy doing good projects.

Competition exists everywhere.

I don't really get star struck.

I learnt to keep my acting subtle.

I eat properly and work out a lot.

I am a complete sucker for family time.

Sometimes, I do zumba and a lot of yoga.

I will try to bring variety in my roles.

'Jai Lava Kusa' is my best look onscreen.

I'm not doing an item number in any film.

I didn't overcome my shyness. I am still shy.

I won't be satisfied with only commercial roles.

The coffee in Araku is the best I have had so far.

After completing my studies, I got into advertising.

I am a family person and also very emotional by nature.

I avoid junk food and love vegetables, salads, and fruits.

I am not a trained singer, but I always sing from my heart.

I am a family person. I thank my parents for their upbringing.

My Hyderabad home is an extension to my family's Delhi residence.

I honestly believe that you can change your destiny by working hard.

Doing comedy is very challenging, as I am a shy person in real life.

I do try to look at scripts and keep an eye out for challenging roles.

Be it commercial or offbeat, I want to establish myself as an actress.

It's always exciting to be part of films where you matter and add value.

I don't want people to define me. That's the best way for an actor to grow.

As for the future, you can never predict it, so I don't even think about it.

I don't think I was bubbly in 'Oohalu Gusagusalade.' It was a real character.

I am really excited to act with a powerhouse of talent like Vijay Deverakonda.

What more can an actor ask for than being surrounded by scripts to choose from?

When a person is juggling a lot of emotions in a single day, it can take a toll.

I completely understand how temporary fame is, and I keep my sanity at all times.

I have sung some songs in Telugu and Malayalam. And I want to sing in Tamil, too.

My journey of working in Telugu filmdom has helped me grow as an actor and person.

For an actor to grow, she needs to play roles that put her out of her comfort zone.

I just believe in working hard, and whatever comes my way, I try and give it my best.

Praise is good. Some people over-praise, though. Genuine appreciation is rare to come by.

I would love to work with everyone, but I am not desperate. Things will happen eventually.

I struggled a bit with Malayalam, but it was easier speaking Tamil; it is closer to Telugu.

I think it's very important to grow as a person from the experiences you encounter in life.

I wish to continue to essay roles that will help me find my place in the audience's hearts.

Initially, when you start working out, it takes at least six months for the results to show.

'Bengal Tiger' is huge film for me, and I had a blast working with both Ravi Teja and Tamannaah.

I was a part of my school choir and used to participate in several singing competitions back then.

'Jai Lava Kusa' will see a very new me. From my styling to the way I look, everything is very fresh.

No matter what strategies you make, if you don't get the right script, everything is going to go down.

Acting was not on my radar ever, but after shooting my first film, I have realised that this is my calling.

As for body-shaming, there will always be people who will love chubby people and those who will dislike them.

After being signed for 'Madras Cafe,' I joined Jogi Singh's acting classes, where I learned the basic nuances.

Apart from work, I really have no time for myself. I am literally living out of a suitcase. But I love my life!

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