Goliaths, choose your Davids wisely.

I have jeggings to wear and worlds to conquer.

I am not an 'unplug' person. I like being plugged in.

Good Lord - if I couldn't multitask, I don't know what I'd do.

I'm constantly maxing out my Gmail account, and that is hard to do.

'Single' is usually applied to women as though they are a problem to be fixed.

Twitter is an amazing public tool with an incredible capacity for public good.

Is there anything about the JonBenet Ramsey case that isn't weird and disturbing?

Law school and summer camp are the two experiences that inform pretty much all I do.

If you DON'T have diversity around your boardroom table, then what is wrong with you?

Myself, I really like the iPad mounted as a frame, with a happy slideshow cycling through.

I've gone out on limbs, flung far, and Forrest-Gumped my way into the center of the action.

Women as a raw demographic unit exercise incredible power across every element of American life.

Groupon is a great concept packaged in a superb name, but the concept of group discounts is not new.

I took a job at a white-shoe NYC law firm, with an office, business cards, and a fat starter paycheck.

The comedian can put the punchline out there, but it's the audience that receives it - and has to get it.

I use iTunes for downloading music, but I always decline when prompted to update this or that new version.

Jessica Jackley has a gift for making people want to fork over their cash. To total strangers. Far, far away.

A strong and enthusiastic niche audience can push a topic into mainstream consciousness with speed and force.

There's a lot of money to be made by taking women seriously, and letting them know you're taking them seriously.

As a matter of personal philosophy, I have generally said, 'Why not?' far more often than either 'Why?' or 'Not.'

My specialty was baked potatoes with cheese melted over broccoli. I was also very good at melting cheese on bread.

On the Internet, everybody has an opinion about everything, but if you're smart, you know when to keep your mouth shut.

As an expectant mom who is currently self-employed, I'm amazed at just how tied to the workplace maternity benefits are.

Seeing how easy it has been to use Twitter for good has exposed the double-edged sword of how easy it could be to co-opt.

If anyone was going to write the definitive account of what the 2008 election meant for women, it would be Rebecca Traister.

My first introduction to New Orleans was from the air, flying high over the city with a view of the land - and water - below.

There's a tendency, when the offspring of a famous person does something notable, to define them by their more-famous parent.

The road system that we've come to depend on, the road system that we built our wealth on and our power on, is falling apart.

I am attached to my Blackberry. Sometimes, when I'm holding it, my other hand goes to my pocket automatically in search of it.

I suspect I am like most people on the Internet in that I sign up for all sorts of sites and frequently use the same passwords.

For single women, admitting that you want kids when you're still unattached can feel like exposing a vulnerability. It did to me.

For video clips, you can always assume that there is a creative component since you are literally dealing with production values.

Of course the shrieking desire for the scoop can get really strong, but so is the desire to safeguard connections and keep everyone happy.

Flip through the channels, and there is no denying it: The world of cable news - and their network chat-show brethren - is very, very white.

I not only work online through my various projects, but I am an avid user of online technologies to connect and engage with friends as well.

What bothered me most about chick lit, frankly, was how the term was used to dismiss a huge chunk of the bookstore as silly, girlish prattle.

On NBC, MSNBC and Hulu, you can size and cut clips to whatever length you want. Do online clips affect the TV market? I'm guessing not really.

Twitter is an astounding platform for information, but it's a total blank slate - which means it's an astounding platform for disinformation, too.

It is a pet peeve of mine when people throw around arguments citing 'Fair Use' and yet fail to actually explain what a fair use argument actually is.

The best jokes resonate because they uncover ridiculousness in our daily lives, reveal the silliness - and sometimes sadness - of things we see every day.

Put simply, the doctrine of 'Fair Use' applies to content republished from copyrightable material and how much of that content is, literally, fair to use.

Twitter is all about user experience - the fact that it is so easy, so clean, so unencumbered has won it so many users and fans, for so many different reasons.

There will always be women who say, 'She doesn't represent me.' In retrospect, these things are gifts, because it forces me to step up and defend what I'm doing.

If you care about the news and write what you want to read - not just what you think Google search wants to read - there are people out there who want to read it.

I started as kind of an outsider - freelancer working from home, building contacts from the ground up etc. - so I didn't have too many relationships holding me back.

Craig Newmark looks like the kind of guy who would help you move your apartment, sell your furniture, get a job, or help you find that cute girl you saw on the subway.

What's surprised me most about the demands of blogging - the relentlessness of it. 24-hour news cycle, every media imaginable right here in New York, totally fair game.

Friendships that are first grounded in the shared professional ambitions - social stuff is built around that - and then you see people pulling each other up as they rise.

We live in a world now where everything is tweeted and Instagrammed and tagged and now, God help us, Vined. Calling out grievances over Twitter has become an industry norm.

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