Secrecy destroys accountability.

A wasteful defense is a weak defense.

Everything will be solar in 30 years.

Your best teacher is your last mistake.

We must strive to become good ancestors.

Power has to be insecure to be responsive.

Washington DC is corporate-occupied territory.

Families are incubators for citizen activists.

Turn on to politics, or politics will turn on you.

Militaristic foreign policy is destroying America.

The only true aging is the erosion of one's ideals.

Moral courage is the highest expression of humanity.

Obama & McCain differ, but neither takes on corporations.

There can be no daily democracy without daily citizenship.

Word of mouth is the most effective means of communication.

If you don't turn on to politics, politics will turn on you.

End perverse incentives that reward Wall Street speculators.

If you're not turned on by politics, politics will turn on you.

She was the light of our lives, our anchor, compass and vision.

Democrats have become very good at electing very bad Republicans

National security is the fig leaf against freedom of information.

We have an underdeveloped democracy and overdeveloped plutocracy.

Ronald Reagan is the most ignorant president since Warren Harding.

Obviously, the answer to oil spills is to paper-train the tankers.

If you choose the lesser of two evils, you are still choosing evil.

Family values stand up to injustice and power outside the household.

General Motors could buy Delaware if DuPont were willing to sell it.

A society that has more justice is a society that needs less charity.

All empires eventually destroy themselves. That's the record of history.

As a public interest lawyer, your fund of injustice will never be empty.

Our founders did not oust George III in order for us to crown Richard I.

We are practicing what we preach so that we may preach what we practice.

Hillary Clinton's never seen a weapons system or a war she hasn't liked.

The function of leadership is to produce more leaders, not more followers.

Capitalism will always survive, because socialism will be there to save it.

Hillary Clinton's ready to pick a fight with Putin. So are the Republicans.

The shortcomings of America's political leaders do not stop at our borders.

If God hadn't meant for us to eat sugar, he wouldn't have invented dentists.

When strangers start acting like neighbors... communities are reinvigorated.

Information is the currency of democracy. It's denial must always be suspect.

Sanctions against polluters are feeble and out of date, and are rarely invoked

Sanctions against polluters are feeble and out of date, and are rarely invoked.

The progress of history is to take the impossible and turn it into the possible.

I enjoy my work so much that I have to be pulled away from my work into leisure.

The job of a leader today is not to create followers. It’s to create more leaders.

The civil justice system is a backup system when the criminal justice system fails.

People are stunned to hear that one company has data files on 185 million Americans.

The networks are not some chicken-coop manufacturing lobby whose calls nobody returns.

If they don't close these [nuclear] reactors down, we'll have civil war in five years.

There's no better policy in a society then pursuing a health and safety of its people.

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