I was a psycho in college.

I'm a very confident person.

I'm very respectful of others.

I love the heart of De'Aaron Fox.

The playoffs is when I'm at my best.

A gold medal at the Olympics is hard to top.

Shaq is just a goofy dancer. He's just silly.

The bald look intimidates people. Short and nasty.

I want to make the playoffs, and I want to compete.

Drake took me to the limit in our ping-pong challenge.

I threw in some baskets that were in four-point range.

As a kid, everyone dreams of being in an All-Star game.

I'll always be known as Cheryl Miller's little brother.

I was a brash player, and I spoke my mind on the court.

If you want to be a hero, you've got to take hero shots.

Reggie - that was on the court. Reginald is the executive.

I love a player who can go on the road and silence a crowd.

No matter how good you are, there's a lot of luck involved.

First and foremost, Indiana will always be a basketball state.

A point guard can carry a team - if he has all the right stuff.

It's tough for a jump shooter, especially in a triangle offense.

I never imagined that I would earn my way into anyone's rafters.

My range is from wherever the coaches won't have a heart attack.

Indiana is much, much, much slower than California, and I love it.

I'm always open. As soon as I cross the half-court line, I'm open.

Just give me the ball; I don't care how old I get. Give me the ball.

I love guys who have roots. Paul Pierce has roots embedded in Boston.

Overcoming my sister's shadow was the biggest thing I ever tried to do.

It's all about the playoffs for me. I don't care about the regular season.

You have to be willing to fail, because you're not going to make every shot.

I'm very thankful and very blessed to have the opportunity to play this game.

That's what independent filmmaking does: it gives the underdog a voice, a shot.

I've always been a mellow guy. I'm just more competitive when I'm on the floor.

There are certain things black people just don't do, OK? Skiing is one of them.

In professional sports, you live in the moment, and that's what I love about it.

If you win in New York - that Frank Sinatra song - you are a god. You are a king.

I'm always going to be overlooked. That's just how it is. That's how the league is.

I'm not out there to win a popularity contest. I'm out there to win basketball games.

I don't have the physical talent those guys have. My hard work has made me very good.

Michael Jordan on his worst day is ten times better than Kobe Bryant on his best day.

I try and do the right things most of the time and let the chips fall where they may.

I'm not just a biker. I trail run. I have no problem with heights. I'm a thrill seeker.

The triangle offense is more for slashers and people who like to take the ball to the basket.

I think running the country is a little more important than worrying about the BCS title game.

Running the triangle offense, you have pretty much set rotations where you are going to be at.

When you get a good workout in, you feel good for the rest of the day. It helps clear the mind.

I think the character of a man is to establish something where no one else has ever done before.

I didn't want to be like some other guys who jump on another team's bandwagon just to get a ring.

A lot of times, I think broadcast commentators can get bogged down with stats and personal agendas.

If you're joining the Knicks, there's expectations that follow that; there's a lot that comes with it.

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