Hogan's Heroes' lasted longer than the war.

'Hogan's Heroes' lasted longer than the war.

God bless all the little children in the world.

I've had the most incredible luck in my career.

It's wonderful to win, but don't get cocky about it!

About 30 million people see me every week - I'm a happy man.

I've never stopped working on songs and practising singing and guitar.

If I never do another thing, I've met the good sweet people of the world.

I abhor grades - if a child does his best, that's all that should be asked.

Be nice to each other. You can make a whole day a different day for everybody.

You wouldn't want to move if you sat next to me on the bus. Or maybe you would.

I never presumed to tell anyone who could make a rainbow what color to make children.

I never dreamed I would have a job in which so many people could touch me and I could touch them.

The thing that I loved about 'Feud,' we froze a moment in time for these families that had never occurred before. That's magic.

There were people I know that got upset that I kiss people. I kiss them for luck and love, that's all. That's what my mother did to me.

Sometimes, when you do the music for a play, there are very clear boundaries as to what needs to be achieved. You're very much a little cog in a much bigger machine.

The first time I ever saw people of any color was when D-Day left from my hometown in England, to go and free Europe from the war. And there was every color you could imagine, and I'd not seen that in England.

There were people I know that got upset that I kissed people; I kissed them for luck and love, that's all. That's what my mother did to me. There were people upset that I would embrace or hug someone of another color.

And I asked my mother about it; I said, 'Is there something wrong?' She said, 'God... God makes people. You understand that, don't you?' And I said, 'Yeah!' She said, 'Who makes a rainbow?" I said, 'God.' She said, 'I never presumed to tell anyone who could make a rainbow what color to make children.'

It's important to me that on 'Family Feud' I could kiss all the people. It sounds crazy but when I first came here Petula Clark was on a show with Nat King Cole and he kissed her on the cheek and eighty-one stations in the South canceled him. I kissed black women daily and nightly on 'Family Feud' and the world didn't come to an end, did it?

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