We all get discouraged.

To be humble is to be teachable.

When revelation comes write it down.

Selfishness is the root of great evil.

It doesn't do any good to argue. Be kind.

Lay the burden at the feet of the Savior.

Recognize the good in others, not their stains.

You are making better progress than you realize.

To memorize a scripture is to forge a new friendship.

Stay on the Lord's side, and you will win every time.

The Church is presided over personally by Jesus Christ.

The Lord sees weaknesses differently than He does rebellion.

A sense of humor is an escape valve for the pressures of life.

Create an atmosphere for the Spirit. The Spirit must be present.

A knowledge of truth is of little value unless lived in full measure.

Be wise and don't let good things crowd out those that are essential.

No missionary can determine the lasting effects of his or her labors.

If you choose to concentrate on the dark side, this is what you will see.

When I marry, it will be to a faithful returned missionary in the Temple.

Simple, consistent good habits lead to a life full of bountiful blessings.

The most difficult is the first family, to bring someone out of the world.

Freedom requires no effort to enjoy but requires heroic efforts to preserve.

Seek out your bishop. He will show you how to repent and will help you do it.

Our Heavenly Father did not put us on earth to fail but to succeed gloriously.

Sadness, disappointment, and severe challenge are events in life, not life itself.

Through the Atonement of Jesus Christ, all will be made right in the Lord's timing.

We become what we want to be by consistently being what we want to become each day.

Repentance is not punishment, it is the hope filled path to a more glorious future.

To gain unshakable faith in Jesus Christ is to flood your life with brilliant light.

By making choices consistent with eternal truth you will develop righteous character.

I have never been sorry when I stood for what was right-even against severe criticism.

We best serve our Father in Heaven by righteously influencing others and serving them.

If you want to talk to God, pray. If you want him to talk to you, read your scriptures.

Set aside those things that don't really matter and do something with eternal consequences.

Be grateful that your righteous life molds you so that you don’t fit where you don’t belong

Express gratitude for what your spouse does for you. Express that love and gratitude often.

Yielding to emotions such as anger or hurt or defensiveness will drive away the Holy Ghost.

To reach a goal you have never before attained, you must do things you have never before done.

No one had to worry about Peter after his conversion. Your investigators can be that converted.

A memorized scripture becomes an enduring friend that does not weaken with the passage of time.

Make a Goal Box, a chart of positive daily contact with a family when you are working with them.

If we are not careful, we will convey the message that investigators have to be perfect. Not true!

True friendship is like the asphalt of life. It fills in the potholes and makes the journey smooth.

A true principle makes decisions clear even under the most confusing and challenging circumstances.

Faith in the Atonement of Jesus Christ will provide strength and capacity needed for a successful life.

Choosing to do what the Lord has defined as right will, in the long run, always lead to the best outcomes.

Do not become so absorbed with trivial things that you miss learning the doctrine and teachings of the Lord.

Pure love is an incomparable, potent power for good. Righteous love is the foundation of a successful marriage.

Since the Lord will not force you to learn, you must exercise your agency to authorize the Spirit to teach you.

It really does no good to ask questions that reflect opposition to the will of God. Rather ask, What am I to do?

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