Every day's a hustle.

The '70s kind of sucked.

I loved 'Goodbye to Language.'

Artists are great. They jump in.

I've done my part to 'ruin' Austin.

It has to be very tight to seem loose.

The truth will only be told over a career.

I want to make a film about a factory worker.

I'm interested in people forging their realities.

As I get older, my emotions are closer to the surface.

Monogamy, monotony. There's only a couple of letters...

You don't really grow up until you quit playing sports.

I just love being on a movie set. I like making movies.

Hollywood has a way of sucking the world's talent to it.

Took me a long time to know I was a nobody from nowhere.

I worked offshore as an oil worker for a couple of years.

Whatever story you want to tell, tell it at the right size.

Yeah, a memory's never finished, if you really think about it.

If you establish rules and play by them, the audience will buy in.

If we're all going to die, shouldn't we be enjoying ourselves now?

Memory is a wonderful thing if you don't have to deal with the past.

I think you get in trouble if you make experimental big studio films.

Being alone is better than sitting next to a lover and feeling lonely.

Music and smells are the most memory-recall, nostalgia-inducing things.

There are really smart baseball players. It's a thinking person's game.

I've always liked the minds of criminals, they seem similar to artists.

Filmmakers are going to make films, just like painters are going to paint.

I always sensed instinctively from the earliest age that I was being lied to.

It's luck that one thing works out and one doesn't, it's sort of happenstance.

The idea is to remain in a state of constant departure, while always arriving.

In a sea of stories, find the right one to tell, and the right way to tell it.

We all give ourselves a lot of leeway, but we want consistency from other people.

I always say I'll never make a film in Austin in summer, but I always end up here.

Everyone is encouraged to see their lives, the world through the eyes of the rich.

I think maybe making films is something innate you can't really teach to begin with.

People think drama drives story, but I think the comedy is really the heart and soul.

As a little kid, you go where your parents drag you. You have no agency, no dominion.

Maybe part of being a dad means that the slightest little thing will make me tear up.

When I did 'Slacker,' I didn't own cowboy hats or boots. I was like, 'That's not me.'

My working method has always been, 'Work really hard and get it right the first time.'

A college athlete is going to be competitive. You don't get to that level if you're not.

It's disappointing to see films become pure entertainment, so that it's not an art form.

I have an uncomfortable groove, 'cause I have a lot of different kinds of stories to tell.

County jail in some ways can be the most dangerous because it's often the least regulated.

I don't want to be nostalgic for some kind of laid-back Austin where nothing was happening.

Something about Texas I'm not proud of is that our state murdered 37 people last year alone.

If you make a film about childhood, you've got to pick a moment - you know, 'The 400 Blows.'

Before Sunrise did very well internationally. It made as much in Italy and Korea as it did here.

The big nut to crack is to how to tell a story, what’s the right way to tell a particular story.

I think I got really lucky with Slacker. That was a film that probably shouldn't have been seen.

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