I quit driving, I'm not retired.

If you ain't cheatin', you ain't tryin'

Never put a question mark where God puts a Period

I'd rather be called King than other things I've been called.

I closed my eyes, held my breath and then everything went black.

If you ain't trying to cheat a little, you ain't likely to win much.

I don't know if it was much of an interview. We just shot the breeze.

If there are 10 people there, two or three are going to recognize you.

I didn't miss out on a family life because of racing. I had one because of it.

When I first started racing, my father said, "Win the race as slow as you can.

No one wants to quit when he's losing and no one wants to quit when he's winning.

We drove for the sheer fun of driving because there wasn't that much money to be made.

Now they're getting so politically correct you can't even stick your tongue out at somebody.

Cats know, comin' out of four, they better be standin' on it, else they'll be standin' in it.

Racing has become more show time; we've got to have something new to create interest in the sport.

The good Lord doesn't tell you what His plan is, so all you can do is get up in the morning and see what happens next.

There is no doubt about precisely when folks began racing each other in automobiles. It was the day they built the second automobile.

You can work hard, do everything that you think is right, but one thing you'll never overcome in life is fate. You can't control fate.

Cotton Owens was leading and daddy was second. They came up on me and I moved over to let them pass. Cotton went on, but daddy bumped me in the rear and my car went right into the wall.

If guys don't respect themselves, they don't respect other people. That's times and personalities. And all of them are not that way. But it don't take but one or two to screw up the whole crowd.

Like everyone else, I don't want it to get too far away from the racing because as time progresses, we're trying to get new fans and still keep the old fans and we've still got to have the racing.

You can only live on the past for so long, and we kind of stretched our luck on that. We think we're on the way back, but it's just a matter of how quickly things come together. Common sense tells you it's not going to happen overnight because we're trying to catch up.

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