I do realize that television shows end.

I'm a nerdy guy who likes to read a lot.

I want to make coin collecting cool again.

If the price is right, I will sell anything.

I bought a 1200-year-old Viking bracelet once.

Meeting Ronnie Montrose - that was pretty cool.

Being healthy is part of the happiness of life.

It's the weird stuff that makes great television.

I want my kids, my grandkids to have a great life.

Trust me: I know a good investment when I see one.

Governments have a tendency to screw up currencies.

Businesses that don't evolve are businesses that die.

Socialism doesn't work. A big government doesn't work.

The more money you make, the more times people sue you.

If life is tough, at least you got that thing you can pawn.

I was a businessman for a long time before I was a celebrity.

My older brother used to punch me all the time because I was a nerd.

Making money is my third or fourth most favorite thing in the world.

My father was an amazing guy. Twenty years in the Navy, great father.

I only sleep about four or five hours a night. I read all night long.

I'm just a normal guy and blue-collar historian, and people keep tuning in.

It's like a golden rule in the pawn business: never cash a government check.

You can have a soda every once in awhile, but don't drink a gallon of it a day.

I read science books, chemistry books, history books. I read that stuff for fun.

For years, I pitched a reality show because I thought it would be good for business.

Las Vegas is a crazy, crazy town at times, so there's a lot of high-end things I get.

I tell people, 'I'm the only business in the world where I don't pick my merchandise.'

It amazes me. I'm just a fat, middle-aged, bald guy, but people still want to meet me.

I'm a dad with six kids, and I'm trying to teach each of them a little bit of morality.

When you endorse a Republican, everyone sort of frowns on you. I don't know why, but hey.

I've worked with and talked to poor people my entire life, being in the pawn shop business.

Most people don't realize the amount of tax forms the small business guy has to go through.

I'm one of those guys who believes in next to zero government. They just screw everything up.

I believe that capitalism is the one thing in this world that's brought people out of poverty.

In my store, I don't do anything political. There are no signs up, and I'm not pushing anyone.

The show impacted our lives immediately. It is crazy. I can't watch the show. I get weirded out.

Most people don't realize how regulated the pawn industry is, especially where I'm at in Nevada.

I meet celebrities all the time, but I have no idea who they are because I don't watch television.

I hate to say this about television, since I have a television show, but it's just mind-numbing to me.

I probably have 15 to 20 Dalis in the store. The secret to buying Dali - never buy one made after 1970.

If I brought another car home, there would be problems. I have a lot of cars as it is. I'm a car addict.

There are a lot of weird things you might find in your basement or your attic that may have a lot of value.

I can make a bourbon and Coke, those types of drinks... If the ingredients are named in the drink, I can make it.

We don't teach kids how to think anymore. We're getting rid of the classics - high school is all about self-esteem.

The best part of my business is working with my family, and the worst part of my business is working with my family.

There's a reason why, when Reagan became president, he started getting rid of regulations, and we had a booming economy.

People come from all over the world to be on the show, and it still works because of all the interesting items coming in.

There's a gazillion different business license fees. And just keeping up with all the regulations - it just doesn't stop.

My dad was in the Navy; he was in Vietnam. My mom was trying to sell real estate on the side. We didn't have a lot of money.

You have to have what your customers need because if you don't have what your customers need, you're not going to have customers.

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