If I can walk, I'll play.

I don't believe in regret.

I really do love football.

Tomorrow doesn't really exist.

At the core, we're all spiritual beings.

My helmet is off; I'm not afraid anymore.

Nine in the box... that's a football term.

I've never been in trouble with the police.

A team takes on the personality of the head coach.

I'm halfway intelligent. I'll figure something out.

In therapy, I see myself in the mirror differently.

I'm a huge gamer, everything from PC to Xbox to PS2.

I got high, and forgot I wasn't supposed to get high.

I want people to think they can't die until they see me play.

If I was doing something for the money, I'd be quite miserable.

Greatness is the willingness to choose in the midst of intensity.

Human beings aren't supposed to be controlled and told what to do.

It's funny, people say 'Welcome back' when I haven't gone anywhere.

The money is what made me miserable. I want to be free of that stress.

I have no room in my life for any form of negativity or nonacceptance.

I think it's very easy for people to stereotype athletes, good and bad.

Sometimes success will get in the way of maturity - at least temporarily.

I had a lot of friends in high school and in college, and we had a good time.

People are hungry because they're eating empty foods. Mine are full, and so am I.

There is no need to smear my name or to defame my character for the sake of news.

I am more mature. I'm a better football player. I just feel like this is my time.

The moment I started treating my social anxiety disorder, I started feeling better.

One thing I've learned about life is that if you really let go, it's just a joy ride.

Well, I am now convinced there is no kind of fear or anxiety anyone has to live with.

I've gotten to a point, where I realize that happiness doesn't come from the outside.

If you replace the word God in the Bible with the word Truth, it reads exactly right.

It's good to do things slow in the bush. It makes you appreciate everything a lot more.

I feel no need and have no desire to give any attention to other people's opinion of me.

Now that I have conquered social anxiety disorder, I find pleasure in fans approaching me.

I don't feel like my speed or my power or my desire to play this game has diminished at all.

I do feel like a loner but I think it's because I look at things differently than other people.

I wouldn't eat a chicken if it dropped dead in front of me holding up a sign that said, Eat Me.

Anytime you play a team sport, the success of the team really makes everything better. It's nice.

Football is my job, not my life, but it's a job I'm going to give my all for as long as I'm in it.

When I retired, I felt that I lived more in that year than I had the previous 27 years of my life.

Well, I don't think I've necessarily ever been a passionate football player or a passionate person.

I've always been attracted to things that are taboo. I've never been afraid to go to that dark place.

Growing up with two sisters, you either play by yourself or play Barbie with them. I played by myself.

One of my biggest problems is that I'm always so influenced by what other people are thinking about me.

I don't think I'll ever be able to stay in one place for more than a year or two. It's not in my nature.

Everywhere I go, people hear Ricky Williams and the next thing they think is marijuana or wasted talent.

I don't care what people think about me because I know I am more than all the pain and strife they hold inside.

I like to live in places that are kind of off in the cuts so people can't really find me even if they wanted to.

I think I have a tendency to look at things subjectively rather than objectively when I reflect on my experience.

The people that I see on the street, they treat me more as a human being and not just an icon or a football player.

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