I'm a raucous Puerto Rican!

I can't dwell on past mistakes.

I'm an actress, and I am Latina.

Retirement is just not in my DNA.

I was brought up on animal grease.

I was always typecast as a Latina.

I have stamina, and I have energy.

My best work happened on the stage.

I should be a representative for AARP!

I'm 81 and I'm in the prime of my life.

You don't die if someone doesn't like you.

I am a very positive and optimistic person.

I sing Broadway stuff in the shower, mostly.

My idol when I was a kid was Elizabeth Taylor.

I'm one of the most joyous people I've ever met.

I am the happiest Hispanic I've ever met. Truly.

I was never offered enough, and that's the truth.

Arrogance - I have very little tolerance for that.

Doing 'The Electric Company' was the most fun ever.

'America' took at least five days of actual filming.

It's not easy having a partnership in this business.

My voice has many dynamics in it. Like my little body.

I'm 85, and I'm still a sexual being, or a sensual being.

My grandkids are everything to me. For me, family is all!

This is my idea of heaven, coming home and watching the news.

Bigger than life is not difficult for me. I am bigger than life.

I'm so happy. I'm one of the happiest people I know. I truly am.

Elvis was a sweet darling, shy fellow, but he was really boring.

I'm a person who perseveres. You know, you fall down, you get up.

I'm one of the happiest people I know. I truly am. And it's genuine.

If you saw me in 'The King and I,' I had that angelic, virginal face.

I grew up as a child who felt she was very inferior to everyone else.

All my life, I faced sexism and racism and then, when I hit 40, ageism.

Smell the roses. Smell the coffee. Whatever it is that makes you happy.

I think Mike Nichols is brilliant, but I think Jerry Robbins was a genius.

I think lying is a bad idea. Sooner or later, someone's going to catch you.

If I get a hangnail, I don't dare complain! Life is good. I wake up humming.

Most people don't know that dancing auditions, you learn the steps right now.

When was the last time you saw a musical about people at war with each other?

I figure if I keep my spirit in shape, the bones will take care of themselves.

When I was girl, you could still get certain jobs if you didn't have a diploma.

I make a lot of soups and stews at home, and I always have fresh bread with it.

Is there a grandmother that isn't spunky on television? Is there such a creature?

I'm an afternoon tea maven. I can tell you who has the best tea in every country.

I was dancing for my grandpa from the time I was 4 or 5 years old in Puerto Rico.

Elvis was really sweet and kind of bashful, but he didn't have a whole lot to say.

When you engage your brain, it just keeps getting fatter and richer and wonderful.

I am able to get up and dust myself off and keep moving forward. I'm very stubborn.

Oh, I think Scarlett Johansson is a terrific actress. I think she's just marvelous.

I wore so much rubber when I was at MGM, I bumped into the wall once, and I ricocheted.

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