I admire Rihanna.

I'm very private.

I love my pop music.

I speak fluent Kosovan.

I'm the weirdest person.

The public's not stupid.

Women love an honest man.

Being a Mum is a big job.

I am committed to glamour.

I will always love red lips.

I'd love to sponsor a dolphin.

Twitter... can ruin your life.

Chanel is my ultimate weakness.

I'm too busy for relationships.

I'm just very good at pretending.

The music industry is very small.

Social media is so influential now.

You have to take care of your body.

It's a terrible feeling being lonely.

I'm very spontaneous. I go with my gut.

I don't get jealous - I get suspicious.

I have 20 wigs at home that I play with.

I've always been into looking different.

I watched 'Kill Bill,' like, three times.

My mum and my dad are the sweetest couple.

I love the Scottish accent; it is very sexy.

I don't think I could do a reality show, no.

I think music will thrive where it wants to.

I have had young fascinations but never love.

I'd love to do a whole soundtrack to a movie.

I was signed at 18 and had to grow up quickly.

A music video is so different to doing a movie.

I am normally the manly-ish girl on the planet.

You have to come to terms with loving your body.

I'm often mistaken for Spanish or Latin descent.

Kerastase and Bed Head have really good products.

The best thing Jay-Z ever taught me was patience.

I'm a huge Bruce Springsteen and Duran Duran fan.

Music expresses - you express yourself with music.

I'm most scared of failing, of disappointing people.

The first album I bought was the Spice Girls, ha ha.

I don't vocalise things that don't deserve attention.

The album is never finished until it's on the shelves!

There are bigger queens of the selfie, but I'm up there.

When I perform, I usually wear wigs because I love them.

All I can do is take influences from where I was raised.

I get so nervous, I get belly pains before I go on stage.

When your time comes, you need to grab it with both hands.

When I was a kid, I'd spray paint my hair, cut clothes up.

I try to do one thing a day that makes me proud of myself.

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