I rarely write by myself.

Heavy metal is immortal, but we're not.

I would love to be in the Hall Of Fame.

Metal musicians say dumb things sometimes.

I was a huge Rick Astley and Bananarama fan.

I didn't pass my driving test till I was 38!

I sing 'Nessun Dorma' when I warm up backstage.

You gotta have fun. Even now we have fun onstage.

It's a very empowering kind of music, heavy metal is.

It's a joy to actually be able to control your own music.

I kind of have to bite my tongue sometimes with my lyrics.

I love people. I love being in a band. I love making music.

'Anthems to the Welkin at Dusk,' that's my big Emperor album.

Most of humanity just wants to live a peaceful life, don't we?

When I got clean and sober, that was a major change in my life.

I think the last thing you want in life is to live with regret.

I think I'm still a lone wolf, internally. And I always will be.

Running away from something doesn't do anything except put distance.

I've often talked about metal being the underdog in rock n' roll music.

Life is a beautiful thing, but a lot of it, it kind of replicates itself.

I'm not a frugal person, but I find it difficult to be extravagant materially.

I like Avenged Sevenfold and Five Finger Death Punch, with whom I did a single.

On their debut, Korn brought a new definition of metal that was a game changer.

Never lose perspective on where you are and what you've got. And how you got it.

I think I've improved in a lot of ways because of being able to stay clean and sober.

Don't put yourself on a pedestal. Because it's very easy for someone to knock you off.

Music is there to get you through life's ups and downs, good times and not so good times.

When I write lyrics for Priest, I'm writing them for Priest. I'm not writing them for me.

That's the life really isn't it? You write. You record. You play. And it never grows old.

If I was a billionaire, I'd have a warehouse full of Ferrari and Lamborghini, but I'm not.

That's the life, really, isn't it? You write. You record. You play. And it never grows old.

As far as putting a rating on music like you do movies, I can see the common sense in that.

I'm drawn to singers who have something different to say vocally, and Adele would be in there.

Teachers should not need to have to buy books for the kids, or pencils and pens. That's absurd.

Their brilliant audio expert, who is a marine biologist, should really be looking after Flipper

Metal fans are just as compassionate and caring and tolerant as any other form of music fans are.

The battle goes on for me; as a gay man, I shall not be happy until I see equality across the board.

Don't put yourself on a pedestal. Because it's very easy for someone to knock you off. It's balance.

I do my best; I put out things I believe in and if you don't like it then pass on to something else.

I love all that kind of gothic Bram Stoker kind of thing. I love to get lost in that kind of escapism.

The fact that there are now gay men and women who can openly serve their country is a wonderful thing.

Oh God, don't let me go on Amazon Prime at one in the morning 'cause I always buy something I don't need.

There's always someone that's dealing with a bigger challenge than you are. You've gotta have perspective.

Some songs are dead easy, and others can be quite challenging. Other times, you just have to put it in the bin.

It doesn't matter how many records you've made; there's always a new experience you can get with a new producer.

Sometimes when I'm writing lyrics, it's a very loose train of thought, and wherever that takes me, I let it flow.

We are looking at these rock 'n' roll campers, and we know what is going on in their minds because we've been there.

I love heavy-metal music more than anything in the world, but I'm equally drawn to Michael Buble or Michael Feinstein.

To have Judas Priest together? It's a real adventure, and we always feel excited when it's time to create a new record.

When I listen to Michael Buble, it's exciting; it's inspiring. I feel the same way with Michael Feinstein or Ryan Adams.

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