Behind every mystery lies another mystery.

There ain't no such thing as a free lunch.

Learning . . . is - also an end in itself.

Nobody ever wins a lawsuit but the lawyers.

You live and learn. Or you don't live long.

Anything free is worth what you pay for it.

God created men to test the souls of women.

He's an honest politician--he stays bought.

Sex without love is merely healthy exercise.

Never frighten a little man. He'll kill you.

Churches thrive on martyrdom and persecution.

History is never surprising after it happens.

Stupidity is the only natural capital offense.

Being right too soon is socially unacceptable.

Thou art god, I am god. All that groks is god.

Ayn Rand is a bloody socialist compared to me.

I never learned from a man who agreed with me.

Your enemy is never a villain in his own eyes.

Little girls, like butterflies, need no excuse.

Never force an idea; you'll abort it if you do.

Always cut the cards...and smile when you lose.

Democracy can survive anything except Democrats

I counted to ten slowly, using binary notation.

One man's theology is another man's belly laugh.

No woman ever ages beyond eighteen in her heart.

In handling a stinging insect, move very slowly.

I'm always suspicious of disinterested interest.

Goodness without wisdom always accomplishes evil.

Love is what still goes on when you're not horny.

Never underestimate the power of human stupidity.

Stinky says women should be obscene but not heard.

Was there ever a time when the majority was right?

Taxes are not levied for the benefit of the taxed.

Never try to have the last word. You might get it.

A human being has no natural rights of any nature.

Every general prohibition creates its bootleggers.

What a wonderful world it is that has girls in it!

Man can be chained, but he cannot be domesticated.

Since when was an emotional argument won by logic?

Circumstances can force your hand. So think ahead!

Love your country, but never trust its government.

My vocal cords lived their own life, wild and free.

The greatest productive force is human selfishness.

A brute kills for pleasure. A fool kills from hate.

They didn't want it good, they wanted it Wednesday.

Small change can often be found under seat cushions.

Never tease an old dog; he might have one bite left.

Yield to temptation. It may not pass your way again.

Damnit! Nationalism should stop at the stratosphere!

A zest for living must include a willingness to die.

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