We are not a banana republic.

No, I don't think there's systemic racism.

Well, free elections are the foundation of our democracy.

The worst kidnapper of Americans is a nation state - Iran.

Every American should understand that their vote is secret.

The United States always maintains the right to self-defense.

Our message to the Russians is stay out of the U.S. elections.

Under Mr. Trump's leadership, America continues to lead the free world.

As the Navy gets smaller, the world's oceans are becoming more dangerous.

President Trump is committed to democracy and rule of law in our hemisphere.

When foreign governments hold Americans they always claim it's a criminal case.

President Trump stands with Interim President Juan Guaido and the Venezuelan people.

President Trump's efforts have made the American people safer and our nation stronger.

The United States does not carry baggage from a colonial past as do European countries.

I don't want foreign governments to support President Trump to influence our elections.

When the Jewish state of Israel is strong, Jewish communities worldwide are also strong.

Both Russia and the United States have had their homelands attacked by violent extremists.

The Trump administration has taken the fight to those espousing hateful anti-Semitic views.

Nowhere outside of Southeast Asia is China's rise as a global power more visible than in Africa.

Rubio rode his skill as a high school quarterback to college in Florida, followed by law school.

There are some bad cops who are racist. There are cops that maybe don't have the right training.

Freedom, democracy, human rights and the rule of law... are universal values of the human spirit.

President Trump has rebuilt the American military to an extent we haven't seen since Ronald Reagan.

President Trump has demonstrated to Russia that he means what he says about putting 'America First.'

We want to have a great relationship with the Chinese, we want a great relationship with the Russians.

I haven't seen any intelligence that Russia is doing anything to attempt to get President Trump reelected.

If you vote early, great. If you vote on Election Day, great. If you vote absentee, great. But get out and vote.

Israel is an inspiration, a trusted ally and a cherished friend. The United States will always stand by its side.

Modern warfare is increasingly expeditionary and requires platforms with extended range, flexibility and endurance.

I think the Russians have gotten a great return on investment for a very small amount of, of election interference.

I never wanted Mark Esper's job. I just wanted to see Mark Esper succeed and do a great job as secretary of Defense.

I'm old enough to remember Bush v. Gore, and the transition there didn't start until mid-December, and yet it got done.

Corruption and manipulation of the ICC by foreign intelligence services subvert the original mission and purpose of the ICC.

The NSC staff should not, as it has in the past, duplicate the work of military officers, diplomats or intelligence officers.

We are not a country where a bunch of lieutenant colonels can get together and decide what the policy is of the United States.

Relations between the United States and Iran can improve but will not get better so long as innocent Americans are held hostage.

By interacting with NATO vessels on E.U. anti-piracy duty, the Chinese are gaining valuable insights in to Western naval doctrine.

The United States Navy is of critical importance to the defense of this country and to maintaining freedom of the seas internationally.

In World War II, America was the Arsenal of Democracy, providing war materiel to our Allies that ultimately led to victory over tyranny.

The prospect of an Africa dominated by China means that progress in human rights and democracy in the region will stall and could be reversed.

A strong believer in the importance of cooperation in the hemisphere, President Trump has made engagement with regional leaders a top priority.

We've made it very clear that when Iranian proxies that are directed by Iran attack Americans, that we're going to hold the Iranians responsible.

I made it very clear that the United States will not tolerate foreign interference in our elections, and the Russian side committed not to do so.

Beijing is on the move in Africa - using aid, diplomacy, weapons sales and Chinese ex pats in a bid to become the preeminent power in the region.

Iran has pursued a deliberate policy of kidnapping and unjustly detaining innocent Americans since the very beginning of its revolutionary regime.

There is no doubt that there are some racist police, I think they're the minority, I think they're the few bad apples and we need to root them out.

The Cold War practice of garrisoning large numbers of troops with their families on massive bases in places like Germany is now, in part, obsolete.

Whereas the U.S. views its naval role in the Pacific as a force for keeping the seas free for navigation by all, China sees things quite differently.

President Trump knows that peace comes through strength. Accordingly, his administration has embarked upon a historic rebuilding of the U.S. military.

Both cyber and old-fashioned human-intelligence industrial espionage has occurred for decades without any significant retribution by the United States.

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