Share everything. Don't take things that aren't yours. Put things back where you found them.

It wasn’t in books. It wasn’t in a church. What I needed to know was out there in the world.

To be human is to keep rattling the bars of the cage of existence, hollering, 'What's it for?'

Almost anything can be dealt with if people are of good will and light hearts and strong values.

Hide-and-seek, grown-up style. Wanting to hide. Needing to be sought. Confused about being found.

Sometimes history knocks at the most ordinary door to see if anyone is home. Sometimes someone is.

The best feelings in your life come when you start feeling good after you've been feeling just awful

If you want an interesting party sometime, combine cocktails and a fresh box of crayons for everyone.

One of life's best coping mechanisms is to know the difference between an inconvenience and a problem.

Wisdom was not at the top of the graduate-school mountain, but there at the sandpile at Sunday School.

Most of the time, a kid doesn't think about what he's doing or why. This is the privilege of childhood.

Love is a fabric which never fades, no matter how often it is washed in the water of adversity and grief.

The grass is not always greener on the other side of the fence. The grass is greenest where it is watered.

Infinite possibility in all things is a certainty. That pretty much covers theology and philosophy for me.

Goldfish and hamsters and white mice and even the little seed in the Styrofoam cup-they all die. So do we.

Wherever and however any one of us may be conceived, it is the same. We come into being in the arms of God.

'Who do you think you are?' That's the big one, isn't it? A flourishing life depends on how you answer that.

Solitude is not the same as loneliness. Solitude is a solitary boat floating in a sea of possible companions.

It is the chair in honor of all those who, however competently, embrace the impossible. Sit in that chair someday.

This is an exercise in power - the power of mind over matter. If you don't mind being inadequate, it doesn't matter.

Now Everybody has some secret goals in life...Sometimes you can get what you want and what you need at the sames time.

All I ever needed to know I learned in kindergarten. Share everything ... Don't hit people ... Clean up your own mess.

Remember, most of us got something for nothing the first time just by showing up here at birth. Now we have to qualify.

If I don't have time to live my life well the first time, when am I going to find the time to go back and live it over?

I believe it is in my nature to dance by virtue of the beat of my heart, the pulse of my blood and the music in my mind.

Just when you thought that you already learned the way how to live, life changes - and you're left the same as you begun.

The kindergarten children are confident in spirit, infinite in resources, and eager to learn. Everything is still possible.

And sure, I know if you eat this way you'll die. So? If you don't eat this way you're still going to die. Why not die happy?

And it is still true, no matter how old you are, when you go out into the world it is best to hold hands and stick together.

But since everything and anything are always possible, the miraculous is always nearby, and wonders shall never, ever cease.

About winning and losing: It isn't important, what really counts is how you play the game. About playing the game: PLAY TO WIN!

Leftovers in their less visible form are called memories. Stored in the refrigerator of the mind and the cupboard of the heart.

It will be a great day when our schools have all the money they need, and our air force has to have a bake-sale to buy a bomber.

Peace is not something you wish for, � it is something you make, something you are, something you do,�and something you give away.

A giraffe has a black tongue twenty-seven inches long and no vocal cords. A giraffe has nothing to say. He just goes on giraffing.

Is it always to be a winners-losers world, or can we keep everyone in the game? Do we still have what it takes to find a better way?

We even make ourselves up, fusing what we are with what we wish into what we must become. I'm not sure why it must be so, but it is.

It's not that I'm not grateful for all this attention. It's just that fame and fortune ought to add up to more than fame and fortune.

If we could just figure out how to have more fun at it, maybe more of us would join the ranks of those who seek after justice and mercy.

Be aware of wonder. Live a balanced life - learn some and think some and draw and paint and sing and dance and play and work every day some.

Living things have been doing just that for a long, long time. Through every kind of disaster and setback and catastrophe. We are survivors.

Do you notice that all presidents have a dog? There is always a First Dog. Or two or three. You have to have a dog to be president, I guess.

Life is lumpy. And a lump in the oatmeal, a lump in the throat, and a lump in a breast are not the same lump. One should learn the difference.

The gift was not large as money goes, and my need was not great, but the spirit of the gift is beyond price and leaves me blessed and in debt.

If you tell people you talk to God, they'll think you're religious, but if you say God talks to you, it's ten to one they'll think you're crazy.

I once listed all the good things I did over the past year, and then turned them into resolution form and backdated them. That was a good feeling

The leaves let go, the seeds let go, and I must let go sometimes, too, and cast my lot with another of nature’s imperfect but tenacious survivors.

Remember the little seed in the Styrofoam cup. The roots go down and the plant goes up and nobody really knows how or why, but we are all like that.

Everything we do in our growing up has been done before. But it needs recognition and validation each time for each one of us - public, private, and secret.

Any fool can make enough money to survive. It's another thing to keep yourself consistently entertained. It's a lot of work, and a lot of fun, to make a life.

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