We’re all a little weird. And life is a little weird. And when we ...

We’re all a little weird. And life is a little weird. And when we find someone whose weirdness is compatible with ours, we join up with them and fall into mutually satisfying weirdness — and call it love — true love.

If you break your neck, if you have nothing to eat, if your house is ...

If you break your neck, if you have nothing to eat, if your house is on fire, then you got a problem. Everything else is inconvenience.

I believe in dancing.

Clean up your own mess.

No. I was an only child.

The examined life is no picnic.

Dreams are more powerful than facts.

Life is. I am. Anything might happen.

Everything we can imagine becomes real.

I think my writing is part of my ministry.

You feel like an ant contemplating Chicago.

Now everybody has some secret goals in life.

Anything not worth doing is worth not doing well.

My secret agenda is to convey my values to my kids.

I believe that imagination is stronger than knowledge.

All I really need to know... I learned in kindergarten.

If you can't find the exact quote you want, make it up.

Why is love easy? I don’t know. And the raccoons don’t say.

Peace is not something you wish for, it's something you make

Even the finest workman needs to inspect his work critically.

Ignorance and power and pride are a deadly mixture, you know.

to understand our love they'd have to turn the world upside down

Speed and efficiency do not always increase the quality of life.

The winding down of summer puts me in a heavy philosophical mood.

You can't always explain everything you do to everybody, you know.

I wanted to be a citizen of the world but not in a superficial way.

'Maybe.' There's our word. The wisest answer to ultimate questions.

Even if your watch is full of diamonds the hour is still 60 minutes

Life-and-death. Lifedeath. One event. One short event. Don't forget.

Play fair. Don't hit people. Say you're sorry when you hurt somebody.

I talk about very serious human affairs but with a lightness of heart.

I fear the boredom that comes with not learning and not taking chances.

But love may have to be left off the exam. Most of us will never learn.

Above all, if what you've done is stupid, but it works, it ain't stupid.

You are free to give life meaning, whatever meaning you want to give it.

Manuals have their uses ... but they are not to be confused with living.

Sticks and stones will break our bones, but words will break our hearts.

Once you know where the roller coaster is going, are you in for the ride?

It doesn’t matter what you say you believe - it only matters what you do.

And good neighbors make a huge difference in the quality of life. I agree.

I've always made a clear distinction between making a life and making a living.

The myth of the impossible dream is more powerful than all the facts of history.

The solution to alone-ness is not more solitude, but companionship and community.

I don't think there is a hidden purpose to the universe that you have to puzzle out.

To ponder is not to brood or grieve or even meditate. It is to wonder at a deep level.

Don't worry that children never listen to you; worry that they are always watching you.

Anything can happen. The great banana peel of existence is always on the floor somewhere.

Children are sent to school to be civilized, to learn to be part of the social enterprise.

Never forget that music is too important to be left entirely in the hands of professionals.

I've always thought anyone can make money. Making a life worth living, that's the real test.

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