I love playing videogames.

I'm a big video game golfer!

It takes a lot to become a dynasty.

I pick good big men as teammates, don't I?

There's more to life than just basketball.

I never cared for stuff like the All-Star Game.

It's huge just to get a game in the NBA Finals.

A luck shot is one of those guys who has no form.

People throw legacy and dynasty around a bit too much.

The Dream is one of the best centers to play this game.

Pressure can burst a pipe, or pressure can make a diamond.

Now Rubio, I like the way he plays. He's a very skilled player.

Everybody has to do their role very well to win a championship.

I did not have a dog with a diamond collar. I was never flashy.

How do you know that I'm out of control? Maybe I'm just awkward.

Athletes love challenges, and golf is something you can never master.

When I got traded to the Lakers in '97, Kobe Bryant was just a rookie.

After I got to the NBA, I had one goal: stay in the league for a while.

Some days, I feel like being known as a smart players, sometimes clutch.

Sometimes, as an athlete, you think everything you touch can turn into gold.

I'm an old-fashioned player, an old-school player who will foul you and foul you hard.

I don't worry about being bothered by the media. Either I'm going to talk or not talk.

When you win a championship, period, it never hits you until you get home the next day.

You can't convince people of certain things. You let them think what they want to think.

I just wanted to get to the NBA. I never thought I would have a career that I've had now.

I get excited for the regular season also, but it's just added excitement when the playoffs start.

It's hard to guard two dynamic players working together rather than guarding them going one-on-one.

A lot of guys, when the ball is coming, sit there and look at the clock; then it makes you rush your shot.

An NBA star is a role player. Your role is to score a lot of points; your role is to get a lot of rebounds.

Kobe's dedication to the game is unreal. And I mean that in the truest sense... it was literally unbelievable.

It's hard to close people out, regardless whether you're sweeping them or ending the series, period. It's hard.

You want to win a championship, but you want to be considered one of the best of all time. All-Star. Hall of Fame.

My favorite champions is the 1995 championship with the Rockets. We were the sixth seed without home court advantage.

It's the playoffs, man. If you don't get excited about the playoffs, you don't even deserve to be playing basketball.

I always say the Boston Celtics of the 1960s were the only true dynasty, because they won nine titles in a 10-year span.

You know, pass now to pinch post, cut, shoot the shot. Do things to facilitate the offense. That's what I did in Alabama.

My best coach was Rudy Tomjanovich because he asked the players what they wanted to do. He felt we had a feel for the game.

If you're in big-time situations all the time - like for me, high school was big-time situations, college, big time situations - you adapt.

When you're out there thinking too much, that's when you can throw the ball away a lot of times. Just play. When I don't think, I have fun.

I think free throws are harder because you have more time to think about it, and every eye is on you. When it's a trey, you catch and shoot.

I always get amazed as to how we always need to have someone as the best of something. Why can't we have two people as the best at something?

You cannot get complacent because there's someone out there working harder than you. So you got to keep pushing yourself to be an elite player.

The Houston team I was on - we were just rolling. We just hit the right stride at the right moment. And the Lakers team, we were rolling again.

Pressure can make a diamond. Pressure makes me play better because I don't want to let my teammates or my fans down, and that makes me play extra hard.

You put pressure on yourself to go out and do better. And when you try to do too much, and you're thinking about it too much, it can throw your game off.

I had a couple of investments that didn't go my way. That's why I laugh at guys who say, 'Oh, I'm going to open a clothing line. I'm going to start a restaurant.'

I enjoy Otis Thorpe; he took me under his wing when I was a rookie. I'm also a fan of Ron Harper. He showed me the ropes and showed me what it was to play in the NBA.

I'm not a big golfer, but I love to go get a bucket of balls and just smack the balls around. That's my type of game. When I do play, it's mostly in charity tournaments.

When I played, you had a lot of enforcers. You would go to the hole, get knocked down, and the referee would look at you and say, 'Get stronger, get up, and keep playing.'

I had a teammate whose motto was, 'If I make a million dollars, I must spend a million dollars.' I was like, 'If I make a million dollars, I'm hoping I can keep a million dollars.'

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