Money speaks in Utah.

God, I just love baseball.

I'm not good at compromise.

If you can do more, you should.

Other people have analysis. I have Utah.

I don't think you can ever return, really.

I'm not a facelift person. I am what I am.

Be careful of success; it has a dark side.

A lot of what acting is is paying attention.

He has the attention span of a lightning bolt.

I guess some mistakes you never stop paying for.

I'm always moving forward and trying new things.

When did Noah build the boat? - Before the rain.

Park City is developing itself, almost to death.

Not taking a risk is a risk. That's how I see it.

I'm gonna die but I haven't thought about retiring.

Storytelling is important. Part of human continuity.

I didn't think about politics until I came to Europe.

I love making films more than anything, but it's tough.

Filmgoers are starved for new ideas, voices and visions.

I can't watch completed films - my wife makes fun of me.

'Butch Cassidy' was the only film I ever enjoyed making.

You’re never going to be the same person you are right now.

Never revisit the past, that's dangerous. You know, move on.

If you stay in Beverly Hills too long, you become a Mercedes.

I just wanted to paint and sketch and tell stories by drawing.

I think you just keep going. I've been that way, my whole life.

I believe the American people care a lot about the environment.

I never had to worry about divestment because I never invested.

Let's get something straight - I don't see myself as beautiful.

A few years after that first visit, I applied for a job in Yosemite.

I really do miss being able to go through life a little less noticed.

I think a lot of people thought my career started with Butch Cassidy.

Problems can become opportunities when the right people come together.

It's all about greed and money and it's the driving force in Hollywood.

I have a very low regard for cynics. I think it's the beginning of dying.

The tough thing about adulthood is it starts before you even know it starts.

The important thing about a sport is the people who devote their lives to it.

Ambiguity is something that I really respond to. I like the complexity of it.

I think independent filmmakers, documentary filmmakers - they are journalists.

We program the festival, after 20 years, exactly the way we did on the first day.

I'm not interested in a film about golf but I am interested in golf as a metaphor.

I can't go into a bar anywhere without someone starting to play 'the Entertainer'.

The mainstream usually follows trends, it seldom sets them except for a few films.

Health food may be good for the conscience but Oreos taste a hell of a lot better.

I have no regrets, because I've done everything I could to the best of my ability.

I didn’t want the attacks to affect me. I don’t believe you should be led by fear.

Have a strong vision about the story you want to tell and how you want to tell it.

Sundance was started as a mechanism for the discovery of new voices and new talent.

Success is a tricky mistress. It's nice to have but it's a tricky thing to embrace.

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