We think; therefore, we often talk rubbish.

Basically I try not to knock other comedians.

I grew up watching British comedy on TV, really.

Labour is at its best when it remembers its moral fury.

I think jokes can actually go to places that drama can't.

The only thing I've cooked while entertaining is stir-fry.

It's odd because some actors are very scared of comedians.

To do comedy, you have to be a pretty good actor to start with.

Don't get me wrong - intellectual snobbery is vulgar and gauche.

I don't do much lying in real life because I don't get away with it.

I am a feminist. I don't especially care for the term, but there it is.

I cant imagine getting bored with comedy or thinking comedy is beneath us suddenly.

I can't imagine getting bored with comedy or thinking comedy is beneath us suddenly.

Ed Miliband is obviously a mild guy. I don't expect him to pretend to be a pugilist.

I was in the play 'Fat Pig in the West End,' which is a comedy but has dramatic moments.

My first proper kiss was from Cara Shucksmith when I was 13 or 14 at her birthday party.

I'm the guy who spends 15 minutes staring out of the window wondering what to have for lunch.

The female characters in 'Peep Show' are not 'strong': they are idiots. As idiotic as the men.

UKIP trades in the language of fear and division; it seeks power in order to reject responsibility.

I was an usher at the Lyric Theatre Hammersmith. You had to watch whatever play they had on 40 times.

I snootily say I can't take too many dramatic parts, as it's taking work from actors who aren't funny.

My childhood was as heavily gendered as any you would find in a working-class household in Lincolnshire.

I'd kill to be 'Doctor Who.' Maybe they could make the Doctor two people? He has got two hearts, after all.

Religion is many things, but one of them, surely, is a way for adults to indulge in uncritical hero worship.

My mother died when I was 17, and I moved in with my dad to make a 12-month pig's ear of retaking my A-levels.

There was a lot of terrible, terrible comedy in the seventies along with 'Fawlty Towers.' It's easy to forget.

I'm knackered. I'm knackered all the time. My stupid, tiny children wake me up at 5:48 A.M. every single morning.

I did The Frank Skinner Show, and they gave me a little jukebox-shaped CD player, which looks nice in the kitchen.

I spend far too much on taxis. Now, if anyone suggests we get the Tube I say, 'The Tube! I'd forgotten about that.'

I did 'The Frank Skinner Show,' and they gave me a little jukebox-shaped CD player, which looks nice in the kitchen.

I don't do much to keep in trim - I try to walk places instead of driving whenever I can, but I really ought to do more.

I'm a huge, huge fan of Chris Morris. I think he's a genius, and it is not a word I use very often. I think he's fantastic.

When I was 15, if Stephen Fry had advised me to trim my eyebrows with a Flymo, I would have given it serious consideration.

We call ourselves comedy writer-performers, and that encompasses everything, and I certainly have a very open mind about it.

The strength of 'Peep Show' has always been that that it's quite traditional, but it's obviously presented in a very new way.

Feminism is an attack on social practices and habits of thought that keep women and men boxed into gender roles that are harmful.

I get recognised a fair bit. It goes up when Peep Show or the sketch show is on the telly or when were doing loads of interviews.

I get recognised a fair bit. It goes up when 'Peep Show' or the sketch show is on the telly or when we're doing loads of interviews.

Very bad things follow when we kid ourselves that we're naturally rational, rather than the more humbling truth: naturally emotional.

It was quite an honour when 'New Woman' magazine voted me 88th sexiest man in the world. I think I was one in front of David Cameron.

I've been sort of coasting on 'Peep Show.' So now it's kind of, 'When I grow up, I'm going to have to be an actor if I'm not careful.'

No, feminism isn't 'over.' We need it not only to challenge injustice but because the whole gender expectations thing is bad for men, too.

It should go without saying that there are as many working-class people who hold socially liberal views as there are public-school bigots.

I hate it when people use the word 'sorry' aggressively, as in, 'Sorry, but I hate you.' Sorry's an important word, and it shouldn't be abused.

My favorite series of 'Peep Show' is always the most recent one, which I can say with all honesty because I don't write it. It gets better and better.

We have a family holiday once a year, usually abroad, but that's it. I feel I should have holidays for my family's sake, but I'm not that adventurous.

He likes 'Confetti,' and he doesn't like 'Star Wars.' I think that just relieves us from the burden of ever having to take Mark Kermode seriously again.

The way people imagine their political leaders is, like it or not, an important factor in how they decide to vote and, indeed, whether they vote at all.

Do I wake up every day and thank God that I live in 21st-century Britain? Of course not. But from time to time, I recognise it as an unfathomable privilege.

On 'EastEnders,' if someone gets surprising news on the phone, the scene ends with them looking at their handset in amazement. No one in real life does that.

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