I've been overweight all my life.

There's a river somewhere that flows through the lives of everyone.

The first time ever I saw your face I thought the sun rose in your eyes

Tonight, we will both discover, how friends turn into lovers, when I make love to you.

Music comes first from my heart, and then goes upstairs to my head where I check it out.

A song to me is a very tangible thing. I can feel it with my hands and see it with my eyes.

So see every opportunity as golden, and keep your eyes on the prize - yours, not anybody else's.

That's a wonderful thing, because one of the primary qualities of a good performance is honesty.

Our criteria for deciding what's good and what's bad is very fickle, especially in this country.

Walking in the dark, seeing lovers do their thing. That's the time, I feel like making love to you.

Strumming my pain with his fingers, singing my life with his words, killing me softly with his song.

I have been on diets that were supervised by doctors, that were carefully supervised where I lost weight.

Remember: Always walk in the light. And if you feel like you're not walking in it, go find it. Love the light.

Once you're successful with a certain kind of music, it's hard not to have faith in it as a means to stay successful.

Getting married is easy. Staying married is more difficult. Staying happily married for a lifetime is among the fine arts.

As musicians, and as people who sell material for people to hear and absorb, it's important that we use that voice wisely.

Bill Evans is a real serious jazz pianist who, in my book, crossed over boundaries in terms of color. He used the piano as his canvas.

Music is an art form that doesn't need to be explained. It needs to be performed; it needs to be felt; it needs to be listened to; it needs to progress.

I didn't know how well my first album had done; it was enough to get me to do the second album, which was a continuation of the music I'd worked on and perfected.

My hope is that out of all the anger and seeming hostility that we hear in some of today's music will come some sort of coalition that will become politically involved.

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