I love to see people succeed in their goals.

I love watching people improve it is a natural thing for me to do.

Seeing someone have a goal and I if can help them to succeed then it is a big draw for me.

As much as I love coaching the masters, junior cycling is obviously the future of our sport.

I think racing is a sport that either your in or your out. Its either you are with the pack or you are off the pack.

There are tons of ways women can get into the sport easly. I think it is not as intimidating as many people think it is.

You really have to get to know the person's mental state. You have to understand what drives them and what motivates them.

It seems everyday I find a new road, a new person that can help my cycling better and help me understand more things. I compare cycling to life often.

Cycling is a sport of amazing athletes. Its been a privilege and a honor for me to be in this sport and to have a chance to race at the highest level.

I love the communication aspect with my athletes. I like the one on one time with my athletes but really its about making them better athletes and finding out what makes them tick.

I try to find more education in the sport while helping people who are trying to be better at whatever they are trying to achieve. That is probably the thing I love most about coaching.

I think the sport of cycling is different then racing. The sport is just about being healthy and giving yourself an outlet so it's a easy sport to do and I think there are more and more women cycling everyday.

Everyday on the bike is a different day. Just when you think your on top, you find yourself towards the back of the pack. It is probably the hardest sport I ever done it continues to be challenging and different.

I think cycling is a sport where you cannot be discouraged easily you have to keep going back at it. The first few times you race or try to get into the sport there is a good chance you might find yourself off the back.

You cannot have that attitude of where I am going to tuck my tail between my legs and go home. You have to keep going back for more. That's why cycling is a very competitive sport. You have to have determination and drive to train hard and put forth a good effort.

However, to be a coach I think you have to have a lot of patience. You have to understand what they have going on in their lives and it's a very rewarding career but you also need to know that your not going to get paid a ton of money and you have to be patient with people and a good listener.

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