Your daily schedule reflects your deepest values.

The doorway to success swings outward not inward.

To be a great leader, first become a great person.

You can't win unless you first begin. So start now

Great achievement always requires great sacrifice.

Love what you have. And then go for what you want.

The excuses we make destroy the results we deserve

Visionaries see the "impossible" as the inevitable.

You are also what you say to yourself all day long.

Leadership is not a title. It's a behavior. LIVE it

Have the guts to be true to yourself. Nothing more.

Once you slay one fear, you can conquer many fears.

Nothing can stop you until you choose to be stopped

Stop managing your time. Start managing your focus.

Victims recite problems, leaders provide solutions.

Don't LIVE the same year 75 times and call it a Life

Success is less about luck, and more about practice.

No one will believe in you until you believe in you.

Success is never deserved. Success is always earned.

Self knowledge is the stepping stop to self mastery.

The bigger the dream, the more important to the team.

Don't surrender leadership of your life to your moods

Sometimes we need to lose our way.... to find our way

Awareness precedes choice and choice precedes results.

Blaming others is nothing more than excusing yourself.

Fear only become powerful when you give it your power.

On the other side of the fear live your possibilities.

Your life is too important to give it to distractions.

If you're not scared a lot you're not doing very much.

The best way to honor your dreams is to get them done!

Sometimes too much thinking leads to the Death of Doing

Never miss a moment to encourage someone you work with.

The goals you don't set reveal the dreams you don't do.

Gratitude and fear can't stand the sight of each other.

Focus on the impact you make versus the title you have.

The mind is a wonderful servant, but a terrible master.

It doesn't matter where you start. Only that you begin.

In your quietest moments appear your most true thoughts.

Better to have 3 real friends than 100,000 digital ones.

Your current conditions are echoes of your past choices.

When we give up on our dreams, we die while still alive.

The best leaders lift people up versus tear people down.

Your life on the Outside reflects your life on the Inside

Success is all about consistency around the fundamentals.

Slow, steady progress is better than fast, daily excuses.

Become one of the rare people who don't know how to quit.

Other people's opinions of you are none of your business.

Every great finish was once a simple beginning. Start now.

Today's a great day to change a life. Starting with yours.

People do business with people who make them feel special.

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