Syria is a problem, but Iran is a bigger problem.

I personally feel all guns ought to be registered.

I don't think we need a Washington-imposed solution.

I'm a fiscal conservative. That's how I define myself.

My first responsibility is to be selfish for New Jersey.

I'm pleased about representing any portion of Montclair.

I don't view myself as marching to any right-wing drummer.

A lot of New Jerseyans... have been very supportive of me.

I don't want the United States to be Athens on the Potomac.

I think fundraising has a lot to do with political viability.

I've been at every American Legion and VFW post in my district.

Whatever solutions there are for flood control need to be bipartisan.

You don't want to upset the people from California. They can outvote you.

I go to a lot of events morning, noon and night when I'm not in Washington.

We were the group that built the roads by day that the Vietcong traveled at night.

Democrats get credit for money coming into the state, but I do a lot of heavy lifting.

I'm a member of the American legion and VFW, patron member of the Jewish War Veterans.

When you have 435 people who are opinionated... sometimes agreeing on things is difficult.

There's been nobody who stays in more communication and listens to veterans more than I do.

It is important for me to personally visit Superfund sites to assess the progress being made.

There have been some management issues with Amtrak, but I think they have cleaned up their act.

Let me make it clear: I support health care reform. I just don't support Nancy Pelosi's version.

I know we don't need automatic weapons, but the question may boil down to what is an automatic weapon.

The House has repeatedly had overwhelming votes in support of continuing the Yucca Mountain repository.

I sent my personal check to the Planned Parenthood of Northern New Jersey. My wife and I do every year.

I don't apologize for looking after New Jersey's interests. That's an obligation that I'll always keep.

Here's the problem: the so-called 'millionaire surtax' is a permanent tax to pay for a temporary benefit.

Since the littoral combat ship plays a vital role, we want to make sure we're buying the correct version.

I'm fiscally conservative but socially moderate. A moderate Republican - there just aren't many of us left.

When the USS New Jersey is commissioned, it will be a source of pride for everyone in our state for decades.

New Jersey has more Superfund sites than other state in the nation, but considerable progress has been made.

If people are shooting at you, it's human nature to be afraid. I was afraid. I'll be quite blunt about that.

Seven months after Hurricane Sandy, New Jersey residents and business are continuing the hard work of recovery.

I think it's important Republicans be in the majority so, like my Democratic counterparts, I give to the party.

I had never had a particularly warm feeling about Richard Nixon, and it didn't get any warmer after my service.

I do support and believe in the Second Amendment. But I do think we need more background checks rather than less.

New Jersey makes important contributions to the space program. We want to make sure it just doesn't happen in Houston.

Veterans are a symbol of what makes our nation great, and we must never forget all they have done to ensure our freedom.

Part of my job is to make sure the Northeast is part of our defense industrial base, and New Jersey has always played a role.

We need to keep an eye on influences from the Middle East or, let's say, indigenous groups, that might be involved in terrorism.

Certainly I support the Constitution, and I respect people's privacy, but I also think we need to err on the side of protecting us.

I have supported the equal rights amendment since I was a freeholder. You won't find many people who can say that. I'm very proud of it.

I can remember when President Nixon basically said, 'All troops have been withdrawn from the delta.' And I said, 'Wait, I'm still here.'

We need the cooperation of the Pakistanis. If we don't have any, we lose insight into the actions of those who would do our country harm.

My appropriations requests have always sought to benefit New Jersey. That is how I base my submissions to the committee for consideration.

I'm very respectful of people's views. I know that they're deeply held, and I'd like to hope that people are respectful of my deeply held views.

If one committee controlled your entire budget, I think you might make some effort to build up personal relationships. I think it is a no-brainer.

I've known him for years, and I am supporting Chris Christie for president. Whether he will, in the final analysis, be the president, I don't know.

Diminishing violence is a goal everyone can support, and I look forward to participating in the debate when specific proposals come before the House.

Basic training is horrible. It's dirty, and it's ugly. But you learn it's not just about you. It makes you part of a team, which helps you to survive.

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