Not every man can wear jeans.

Lay low, play dumb, keep moving.

Those who are outraged will vote.

Always praise 'em before you hit 'em.

The Homburg makes a man look prosperous.

Nobody ever built a statue to a committee.

Donald Trump would make a great president.

Plush velvet conjures up kings and opulence.

The very best khakis are made by Bills Khakis.

I like the new, cool, swinging Justin Timberlake.

I get blamed for things I have nothing to do with.

You can't be the candidate and the campaign manager.

Admit nothing, deny everything, launch counterattack.

I am a Libertarian Republican in the Goldwater style.

What does Donald Trump look like? He looks like a president.

In this business, if you don't pay your debts you're finished.

I never owned a pair of blue jeans until I met my second wife.

Manbags are only acceptable if you are Italian, French, or gay.

There are more dog owners in America than there are conservatives.

Unless you can fake sincerity, you'll get nowhere in this business.

There is no excuse for a well-dressed gent to wilt in the warm months.

If you have to drag somebody to register, they're not highly motivated.

Big brother listening in on your phone calls - I got a problem with that.

Yellow looks good with a brown suit, but then, a brown suit never looks good.

Donald Trump is perfectly made up. He's perfectly coiffed. He's perfectly lit.

There is something urbane, stylish, and worldly about owning a cocktail shaker.

Jeans are never appropriate for business unless you are a artist or cowpuncher.

The rise of Trump is a repudiation of 30 years of bipartisan treason and failure.

Unless you are a lawyer or Fortune 500 CEO, carrying a briefcase is, well, nerdy.

Politics with me isn't theater. It's performance art. Sometimes, for its own sake.

Let's face it: most jerks trying to affect an ascot look like Thurston Howell III.

The general election is not an organizational exercise - it's a mass media exercise.

If you're not controversial, you'll never break through the din of all the commentary.

A man can - and should - spend hours trying on jeans and finding the cut for your body type.

The reason I'm a Nixonite is because of his indestructibility and resilience. He never quit.

Traditionally, Young Republicans have been a leading indicator of the direction of the party.

Of course ankle length socks are cheaper, but they don't cover the lower leg as hosiery should.

Let's be very clear, if you check the F.E.C. records you will see I am supporting George W. Bush

An ascot is never a substitute for a well-tied four-in-hand tie or a slightly disheveled bow tie.

Let's be very clear, if you check the F.E.C. records you will see I am supporting George W. Bush.

Few remember that Trump was among the first in the country to recognize the danger of radical Islam.

Of course a lot of the journalists hated Nixon, but they were always blown away by how smart he was.

Stone's Rules exist because sometimes the truth is too painful, and the lies will land you in prison.

The longer khakis are owned and the more they are washed, the softer and more comfortable they become.

When wearing a trench coat, you're allowed to act like Humphrey Bogart when he was detective Sam Spade.

Every well-dressed gentleman must have an all-cotton oxford cloth button-down shirt from Brooks Brothers.

Anthony Weiner is a crafty and worthy adversary - an unrepentant lefty who is usually a savvy media player.

In the 1930s, anyone of any sophisticated status owned a cocktail shaker. Distinctive ones are easy to find.

In 2000, Trump could have won the Reform Party nomination. I chaired his presidential exploratory committee.

In the rough and tumble world of business, media, or politics, the black knitted tie is indeed indispensable.

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