I'd love to time travel.

I kind of crave loneliness.

My family were pretty big hippies.

It's hard to make a book episodic.

I'm very lucky. I had a great childhood.

Being on your own sometimes is appealing.

It's every boy's dream to play a superhero.

I like to have something to base a role on.

Everyone should just be exactly who they are.

I didn't want to be one of those arty nutcases.

I love the outdoors. I love climbing mountains.

You've got to bring yourself to any character you do.

A lot of my family are redheads, but I'm a dark blonde.

'Outlander' is progressive in the way it looks at women.

I'm not into pancake things. I'm into eggs. Lots of eggs.

This family at Barbour, they've made me feel very welcome.

I would be lying if I said Starz doesn't have a reputation.

I guess I'm quite practical. Or at least like to think I am.

I'm rediscovering Scotland; I'm falling in love with it again.

If you don't think about or deal with an issue, it gets bigger.

I auditioned for 'Game of Thrones' seven times! Loads of times.

My mum is an artist. I guess that helps; she's very supportive.

Scotland is about layering. The weather changes every 10 minutes.

I tested on a lot of TV shows and films after I finished drama school.

The classic, 'Romeo and Juliet,' for me, is the iconic story of young love.

Everything goes with blond. You can wear it with any color, and it's great.

I've been in many auditions thinking, 'God, do I have to take my shirt off?'

I am a very loyal man and always keep my promises when I commit to something.

Hiking is a great passion of mine, and I find myself picking up empty bottles.

I love a burger and fries, but it's not what I crave. I love to eat healthily.

Gingers get a bad rep. They get teased at school. So we should feel sorry for them.

I was a big 'Battlestar Galactica' fan and 'Star Trek' fan. I grew up watching those.

I'm a notorious late-night texter. I seem to use a lot of lip, heart, and tongue emoji.

I wholly promote the omelette as a meal whatever the occasion, especially your last one.

It sounds almost unreal, but I was born and raised on old castlegrounds - Kenmure Castle.

Batman is basically an ordinary guy who had something tragic happen to him when he was young.

Wherever you go in the world, Batman is known. Everyone has an idea of what he should be like.

I won't tell anyone where my favourite place in Scotland is... but it might be somewhere on Skye.

Shakespeare language is fantastic, and to be honest, you dont need to do anything to Shakespeare.

I'm looking forward to losing the long locks at some point. But it's been fun, and I do enjoy it.

All actors are insecure. And I've got my insecurities, which is why I go to the gym all the time.

I spend so much time in front of mirrors as part of my job that I try to avoid them outside work.

We've got these stereotypes, and I think there can be some trouble when we force these on people.

Shakespeare language is fantastic, and to be honest, you don't need to do anything to Shakespeare.

Im obsessed with the moon and space travel, so if I could incorporate that, Id love to go to space.

Glasgow is certainly a place where they will tell you if they don't think you are anything special.

When I was growing up, we had cats, dogs, guinea pigs, rabbits, goats, chickens - a whole menagerie.

I'm obsessed with the moon and space travel, so if I could incorporate that, I'd love to go to space.

I worked with a couple of chocolate Labradors, which were a lot of fun. Very excitable. They're cute.

Scotland is undoubtedly the star of 'Outlander.' I'm so proud of the country and all it has to offer.

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