People think I have elfish ears.

I don't wear mascara. No mascara.

It's nice to hear from fans directly.

I'd been doing standup since college.

This is what I spend money on, dried fruit.

I am the host with the challah French toast.

HQ Trivia is the most Jewish app since JSwipe.

All my life, I've been obsessed with baseball.

I am an old comic trapped in young comic's body.

I still consider myself a New Yorker before all other nouns.

I'm a rock star at the WeWorks and tech centers of New York.

I wear my Judaism on my sleeve - and my face for that matter.

My dad had me in little baseball outfits and bats in the crib.

Dried fruit is a huge part of my diet. Mango, persimmon, banana.

I've never thought of myself as a good-looking guy, necessarily.

In 2008, I started a sports talk show called '12 Angry Mascots.'

I'm waiting for the Times Square characters to start dressing as me.

Most people, when they hire you, they want some experience on the resume.

The Internet was supposed to bring people together, but it's created big divisions.

I believe the best way to celebrate the holidays is to spread cheer and joy to others.

I like what Lauren Duca and Alexandra Petri come up with when they're tweeting about politics.

To see the viewer count grow for 'HQ,' it moved so quickly and that was the most thrilling ever.

You know, 'Jeopardy' has been on the air for 30 years, I don't see why HQ can't run for 30 years.

If anyone has an MiLB franchise they're looking to gift for tax purposes, I'll take it! Not picky.

HQ kind of hearkens back to that old method of watching live television, when you couldn't DVR it.

I got my first baseball cards as a four-year-old, the 1989 Topps set. I got every Topps set after that.

Adnan Virk and I work so well together, he's got the terrific background from hosting 'Baseball Tonight.'

Everything is subjective, right? A question that's easy for you is hard for somebody else, and vice versa.

I brought my personality to HQ. I injected my DNA into this thing. They gave me a blank slate to work with.

I never considered game show host as a career, but it's fun because I get to inject some of my comedy into it.

I've had my fair share of tweets, DMs, emails, Facebook Messages and friends trying to set me up with friends.

I love grocery shopping. It's one of my favorite things. I don't want to become an ordering-food-online person.

I'm sort of an old soul, and 'You Bet Your Life' with Groucho Marx is the best game show of all time, in my opinion.

I auditioned for 'HQ' and got it. I decided to stay in New York and ride this 'HQ' thing out. That was a good decision.

There are some really funny people doing creative stuff with social media, which is sadly where a lot of my attention goes.

People on Twitter are saying I should replace Alex Trebek. Never honestly considered that, but... he's got a fantastic job.

I would love to see the first people to get married from HQ. Maybe they'll meet in the chat and name their first child Scott.

I've added up all the hours of zzz's I've missed in my lifetime, and it turns out I'm running on a rather substantial deficit.

Nothing in my decade-plus entertainment career has meant more to me personally and professionally than my involvement with HQ.

If I'm in the shower sometimes I'll blurt out some lyrics to whatever song's in my head that day. It's a lot of Migos and Drake.

I love following my friend Tony Zaret on Instagram. He's a super funny comedian who makes these parodies of memes, and Instagram skits.

It's impossible for me to sleep late. I generally wake up around 9, 9:30. I wish I could get a solid nine hours; it's always around six.

Usually if you have an idea, you have to first pitch it to a production company, get them on board, then go around and pitch to networks.

There are so few jobs for comedians on networks, that taxi TV and elevator TV and all this stuff are what I and every other comedian now are gunning for.

When people see me in public, they're usually like, 'Whoa, you're a real person.' It's as if they're seeing Pinocchio or a cartoon character come to life.

As with any social platform, there will always be trolls, but HQ Trivia has guidelines in place to ensure the chat vibes remain chill and family-friendly.

Its all been very flattering and fun. It's a thrill to be recognized. I don't know, if it gets to the point like Tom Cruise, who can't walk down the street.

This is the evolution of television. It just keeps evolving from three networks, four cable networks, satellite. Now there's Internet channels and the phone.

I actually noticed how much I love my Sonicare because my friend got me a Quip, which I'll take with me when I'm traveling, but is not as great a toothbrush.

I feel like I have been putting out a consistent body of work, just waiting for that agent, that executive, that assistant to the bigwig to stumble across it.

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