I am a limousine liberal.

I'm not a breakfast eater.

The first instinct is love.

I am a Justin Timberlake fan.

I really love to make movies.

Haiti kind of gets a hold of you.

There is no re-inventing the wheel.

If you don’t vote, you don’t matter.

I think life's an irrational obsession.

Rebel is just as bad a word as maturity.

You tolerate me. You really tolerate me!

When everything gets answered, it's fake.

Oh, I'm a big-mouth. I said a lot of things.

There's not a lot of good movies being made.

In my teens, I fell in love with the movies.

I think we all have light and dark inside us.

I get a little scared of words like maturity.

On any movie I'm involved with, I say what I think.

I love acting, truly my favorite people are actors.

Marriage ain't easy, but it's great most of the time.

Fulfilling what you start is why you start something.

My favorite thing to do is not act - it's that simple.

I'd do anything to get a performance, short of malice.

You try to do your best at what you're getting paid for.

All I need are some tasty waves, a cool buzz, and I'm fine

I think you start to prepare the minute you read something.

There is no shame in my saying that we all want to be loved.

Child-rearing is my main interest now. I'm a hands-on father.

The bottom line is, you love your wife, you do your best with that.

I can always see light in any situation. It's just the way I'm made.

I've never really been one to get what they call stage fright so much.

It's only in innocence you find any kind of magic, any kind of courage.

That difference do you think you can make, one man in all this madness?

Yeah, I had actually tried to stop acting before I made Dead Man Walking.

The one thing you can count on in Hollywood - across the board - is cowardice.

Somewhere along the line, the actions of this government are the actions of me.

It's pretty much rock-'n'-roll. I sit down and start feeling stuff and writing.

At this stage, what would be rewarding would be for audiences to want to watch.

That was madness. You're never going to bring one of those down with a handgun.

I just want real creative freedom without worrying about, you know, car payments.

The greatest fear in my life was getting happy. I'm not so afraid of that anymore.

If there's anything disgusting about the movie business, it's the whoredom of my peers.

When I go to bed at night and I think of humanity at large, I think of all those things.

Women are the best. The toughest. The bane of my existence. And I'll forever fall for it.

Yeah, I had a tremendous time shooting in Nebraska. I like that state a lot, all over it.

In between, I go broke because I seem to do movies where you're not paid a lot as an actor.

If you're willing to put two thoughts into a picture then you're already ahead of the game.

Venezuela and its revolution will endure under the proven leadership of Vice President Maduro.

I'm a huge Woody Allen fan. Good movie, bad movie, it doesn't matter - I just like his movies.

I like to believe that love is a reciprocal thing, that it can't really be felt, truly, by one.

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