I am a fantastic cook. It's my great passion.

Being a father is a surprise for me every day.

I play a lot of hard men and gangsters, and I’m not like that at all.

I play a lot of hard men and gangsters, and I'm not like that at all.

I think homes are a palpable form of investment, and I understand them.

Work place romances always seem to get very confused and peculiar, in my experience.

When I drop my son off at school, I love walking around the outskirts of Hampstead Heath.

I'd really like to go down the Amazon in some capacity. I've spent time in the Congo, so I love the jungle.

I'm the third or fourth generation of actor in my family; I'm sure if they were butchers, I'd be a butcher, too.

I bought a pair of Carpe Diem boots, which were completely unnecessary and hideously expensive, but they make me feel quite fine and dandy.

I try to use my debit card rather than a credit card, but I will use a credit card for big purchases because I bank with Coutts and I get points.

I didn't do very well when I was at school, so my dad gave me the opportunity to travel in Africa. I drove from London to Nairobi. It was incredible.

I'm sure there have been missed opportunities, with films I've turned down that went on to be successful, but everyone in the industry has had that happen.

My father was brought up in a theatrical background, just as I was, and his father instilled in him the need to do everything properly and take responsibility for money.

In Cape Town, there's a drive from Cape Point to Camps Bay where the road is hewn out of the cliffs. It's just stunning, particularly if you do it as the sun is going down.

Acting's the best job there is. Pretending to be someone you're not is good fun. It's also a non-ageist profession, and you get to work all over the world with people you admire.

The unfortunate thing is that I live next door to the pub they all drink in. So if I leave my light on and they know I'm in, they all descend on me. I know it's nice, but it's a bit of a bummer if you're trying to watch EastEnders.

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