I'm very inspired by outer space.

I'm learning to stop being scared.

Music is my ultimate passion in life.

My mother's music speaks to me as an oracle.

I feel like modeling can be a little surface.

My music is super vulnerable, raw, and intimate.

One day I was like, 'Mom, you wanna sign me at Sony?'

I do piano, violin, guitar, basketball, gymnastics, ballet.

There are some things that are sacred and should be kept close.

Alexander Wang has been one of my favorite designers since I was younger.

My style is always different. Sometimes it's preppy, sometimes it's chic.

I like Solange, old pictures of Naomi Campbell, Grace Jones. I love Rihanna.

I like to get in tune with my self and really give myself the time to just be.

I got handed all of these amazing opportunities, especially travel opportunities.

Those who love so hard, we question if our passion can ever truly be reciprocated.

My plan is to give myself the space and a platform to freely express my creativity.

Singing is my favorite thing to do. One day, I hope to get signed to a record label.

You know those Instagram pages that post dope vintage runway looks? I always look at those.

I just want to show people that the best thing you could ever do for yourself is be yourself.

The first song I ever performed in front of an audience was 'Make It Shine' by Victoria Justice.

Sometimes it's hard for me to express my emotions on a conscious level, to directly say my emotions.

Interestingly, when it comes to fashion, I like the styling part more than I like the actual fashion.

My greatest influence has and always will be my mother. I admire her strength, fearlessness, and optimism.

Working with Kanye is really exciting and inspiring 'cause you get to see how he brings the fashion to life.

I spend so much time running around and traveling, being present in the current moment is good enough for me.

My mother is a phenomenal woman, but when I was younger, I had this fear that I wouldn't be recognized for who I am.

I love looking at pictures of nebulas and reading articles about black holes and dark matter - I always tie it into spirituality.

I think Beyonce working to really empower and show the grace and beauty and intelligence in young black women is really beautiful.

People look at me, for example, and think I have this perfect lavish life, that it's lit all the time, when that's not true at all.

I was in a hotel with my dad, and I was just joking around and said, 'Oh yeah, Daddy, I want to model.' I don't know - the camera is just fun.

People tell me I have to follow in the footsteps of my mom and grandfather, but it's a lot of pressure. I can't really slip up and mess up the name.

I'm very empathetic, and it allows me to almost know what people are thinking and how they truly feel. The only problem is, I internalize their emotions.

Honestly, I need some type of tight piece of clothing in my closet. As weird as that sounds, I love to wear sweatpants and cargos, baggy clothes, so much.

I was aware of the pressure of my mom and not just my mom but my entire family. I was very aware of that reality, so it was almost this inferiority complex.

I really am a full-blown Scorpio. Whenever I look things up about my sign, it's like, Check, check, check: thoughtful, detailed, moody, stubborn, prideful, emotional.

I truly found myself beautiful and thought that I had the potential to model, so I always would do little poses in the mirror and things, but I never expected it to come to this.

High school was interesting because I'm an extroverted introvert, meaning I'm sociably anti-social. I spent a lot of time saying I hated it, but truthfully, I enjoyed it for what it is.

Sometimes I think about, 'What if I'm not the person everyone idealizes me to be? Maybe I'm just a regular old Joe. What if I can't live up to all these expectations? Maybe I'm just not who they think I am or who they want me to be.

My favorite subjects were astronomy, sociology, and gender studies. And I always loved math class; I have a thing for numbers. I played soccer freshman year and then realized I hate sweating, but looking back, I definitely should have kept up with sports.

I think that opening up on Twitter helps people see that there are things that I deal with that they can relate to. Maybe it's not exactly the same as having a famous mom, but maybe their dad puts pressure on them to be a doctor, and they don't want to be a doctor.

I like owning my own narrative. It depends: I either give it all up, or I don't have any control. It's really hard to go halfway. Like with modeling, for example, I kind of give up all creative control, and that's just that. But when it comes to my own personal art, I'm very O.C.D. I see something a very certain way.

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