Live your life to the fullest.

I have always loved performing.

I'm barefoot whenever I can be.

Nationalism is cured by traveling.

My man prefers meat over the bone.

I'm more afraid of marriage than death.

Life is a soccer field, don't you think?

My hips don't lie and I don't lie either!

I live for freedom, and freedom is a lie.

A kid cannot learn with an empty stomach.

You're a song written by the hands of God.

I'm Colombian and nothing will change that.

My body feels like it is asking to reproduce.

There's no better makeup than self-confidence.

Scars remind me of just how far that I've come.

I can be like a lioness when defending my people.

Because of you, I'm running out of reasons to cry.

Walking gets too boring, when you learn how to fly.

I'm like a mosquito, I love humidity. I don't sweat.

I consider myself a survivor more than anything else.

I don't go out without make up. I'm a woman, you know.

If I could, I'd live in the nude, like Eve in paradise.

Our leaders are lacking love, and love is lacking leaders.

In this life, to earn your place you have to fight for it.

I adore my dad. He's a 78-year-old man and my inspiration.

My brain, I believe, is the most beautiful part of my body.

I love food, and I'm a chronic over-orderer at restaurants.

I know what I'm doing even when I'm wearing a pencil skirt.

The truth is that I'm more afraid of marriage than of death.

I'm a closet nerd. I love to study history and visit museums.

I just don't find marriage a necessary step in a couple's life.

A man's car is like an extension of their ego and their manhood.

In the full light of day, I don't want to think about the sunset.

Barcelona is a great city and Spain is a great country to live in.

You have to be very strong and tough-minded if you want to survive.

You can't achieve anything in life without a small amount of sacrifice.

My music career has been very rewarding, but success never came easily.

You collect impressions from people, from life, from your own daydreams.

People are not depressed in Colombia the same way people are in America.

I would love to have eight or nine kids with Gerard - my own futbol team.

As women, we need to embrace our bodies and be confident with who we are.

The relationship I have with my Hispanic fans is very deep and intricate.

If you can prove the existence of God, it can only be proven through love.

You feel that there is an avalanche coming when you meet the right person.

I apply the same amount of dedication to being a mom as I do to my music...

I'm double-jointed. I can put my legs over my head, which freaks people out.

I've shaken hands with every radio station, from Honduras to Ryan Seacrest's.

I consider myself a laborer, building my career brick over brick under the sun.

I feel like I'm not on Earth just to shake it and shake it endlessly, you know?

Everyone can know what is in my heart because I find it hard to conceal myself.

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