I really believe in prayer.

My biggest inspiration is Audra McDonald.

All my vocal coaches have been pretty great. Thank God.

I've always had a huge dream of opening an animal shelter.

Go out and chase your dreams no matter how crazy it looks.

Just do what makes you happy and try. Just go out and audition.

My dream job would be starring in a lead role on a Broadway musical.

My generation probably didn't connect with 'The Wiz' the way that other generations did.

I think it'd be cool to be in film and television, but I never thought that would happen.

Everyone at a point in their life is struggling to find out who they are and where they belong.

'Once on This Island' is one of my favorite musicals, so to have the lead in that would be great.

If I'm not working after 'The Wiz,' I am definitely planning on going back to college in New Jersey.

I'm a Jersey girl, but I went to college in L.A. I can connect with the feeling of wanting to come home.

I would really love to go back to college, if there's any way I could to do it, and maybe minor in business.

I need to take everything one step at a time. If I think about that too much, I'll miss this amazing experience.

It's important to believe in yourself because if you don't believe in yourself, then no one else can believe in you.

I just want to go to Disneyland. I need that a lot, to just let everything go, go on some roller coasters and have fun.

I went to Los Angeles for acting, and I thought that's where I wanted to go, and I found out that I didn't belong there.

I'm from New Jersey. But I went to school in Los Angeles and all across the country. So, I can totally connect with missing home.

The most important thing is to stay humble because there are always people telling you that you're this and that you're going to do that.

I was eating cereal on my couch when I saw the first commercial for 'The Wiz' on TV. I dropped the spoon and the tears came out of nowhere.

When I got to high school, I was going to do sports, but I got kicked off the volleyball team because I kept missing it for musical theater.

Definitely had a lot of training since a young age. My teachers in high school have always helped me, gave me encouragement, taught me so much.

When you get to Hollywood, it takes you out of your life. It makes you feel cool when you think about all the great things to come out of this town.

I never thought I'd be doing TV. I've always loved it, but I felt like I was just going to do Broadway because that was what I wanted to do the most.

You have to be 110% focused all of the time. It's hard when everybody is saying, 'Oh, you're so amazing.' You have to remind yourself to stay humble.

When I get older, if they ever do a project about Audra McDonald's life, I would love to play her, or even play her daughter in something. I love her.

The first time that I stepped onto a stage, it was life-changing. For once, I felt comfortable and in a place where I belonged. It changed my life forever.

I grew up an only child, and I always felt as if I didn't fit in. In middle school, in grammar school, and even high school, I just didn't feel like I fit in.

I just feel like it's believing in your instincts or believing in yourself to do something crazy. That's why it's important to believe in yourself and trust yourself.

I like film, and I like Broadway; I just love performing, so whatever God has for me, I'll be happy to just try it and see what happens because no matter what, if I'm performing, I'll be happy.

I was one of the ones in my generation who actually did connect with 'The Wiz,' even though it was not on Broadway or the movie wasn't big anymore by the time I was of age to notice. But I was into it in middle school.

When I went to college, I wasn't really happy at there, and I really wanted to come home. Mind you, I auditioned for 'The Wiz' the day after I came home from college. I wanted to come home and try to go to a new school.

My story, I feel like it's amazing, because it shows people no matter where you come from, no matter what your lifestyle is, your dreams could still come true if you believe in yourself and push hard to do what you want to do.

I'm very optimistic about the future, because... Okay, with Audra McDonald, even just on Broadway, they cast her in shows that are usually not played by African-American women, so she's very inspiring to me just because of that, you know what I mean?

Listen, I'm a performer, and all I'm worried about is just performing and just doing... This is what makes me happy, so no matter what, I'm going to give it my best shot, and I'm going to put myself all out there and give it 100%, and whatever happens, happens.

I started singing in my church choir, and then when I got to middle school, I had the coolest musical theatre director, and we actually did 'The Wiz' in seventh grade, and I was Addaperle, and my grandma was like, 'Why didn't you audition for Dorothy?' But I was too nervous for that.

My grandparents actually, whenever they got the chance, took me to Broadway, but that started when I was in high school, because that's when I realized... At the very beginning of high school, I realized, 'Oh my gosh. Okay, this is a career choice for me.' So yeah, then they always brought me to New York to see Broadway shows whenever they could.

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