I made a 1,600 minus 800 minus 200 on the SAT, so I'm very intelligent when I speak.

Opinions are like belly buttons; everybody has one. I never knock a man for his opinion.

That's sort of a trick question, and I don't have a trick answer. Next question, please.

I got into foul trouble, so I really kind of had to play on egg shells from there on out.

I'm like President Bush. You may not like me, you may not respect me, but you voted me in.

My children, every time they ask me for something, I tell them to round their old stuff up.

I was fortunate enough to see and handle and take in everything I could while I was playing.

I think Bush came back because Colin Powell was there. Hey, I'm the brigadier general, baby.

It is not about how much money you make. The question is are you educated enough to KEEP it.

I was a medium-level juvenile delinquent from Newark who always dreamed about doing a movie.

Someday I might have to put down a basketball and have a regular 9-to-5 like everybody else.

I don't have to shoot from more than two feet. I'm top 50. I've got 23,000 from where I shoot.

Most ferocious was Kobe. Fiercest, most competitive, it was Kobe. D Wade is second after that.

I dribble rhymes like basketball... People call me 'E.T.' What's that, Shaq man? 'Extra Tall.'

All of my projects are done right because I know the game, and I consider myself a rap expert.

He's the president. I'm the general. Unless I want to get impeached, I got to do what he says.

Win or lose, I am programmed to do more. That's because I am the other son of Jorel - Superman.

Stay out of the gentlemen's clubs. Get a lot of rest. Just have fun and relax and stay focused.

I'm not going to try to go out there and outdo him. I don't have to try to outdo him, I'm Shaq.

I'm probably going to have to go with Kobester. He's an assassin with LeBron coming right after.

I don't get nervous in any situation. There's no such thing as nerves when you're playing games.

(The Hack-A-Shaq is) just a way of telling me that you can't stop me. Thank you. I appreciate it.

Being here feels like I'm out of prison. This is the right place, the right time, the right team.

If he were on fire, he couldn't act as if he were burning. He can't out-act me on the big screen.

I know that this is sport first and business second, and people have to do what's right for them.

I'm the first player in history that doesn't want to play defense and still gets in foul trouble.

I don't believe in pressure. Pressure is when you don't know where your next meal is coming from.

But, hey I did everything the right way and earned my spot in this game, nothing was given to me.

I've read that same formula, but as an athlete I'm classified as phenomenal. You could look it up.

Write this: Since my boy is the coach, I'm going to try out for the Dolphins next year. Tight end.

I started out as a football player. I liked to inflict pain. In basketball, it was the same thing.

My message to little kids who aspire to be anything they want to be is to listen to their parents.

Why don't you bring your face up here and let me punch it? Then you can tell me (if I'm stronger).

I'm pretty much able to play any style. I'm not here to demand 40 or 50 shots. But I would like 30.

When you're in championships, it's never about what you do. It's always about what other people do.

We want you all to be in shape and look as good as me. Because I will be walking naked on the beach.

I'd like to thank everyone who voted for me. And the one guy who didn't vote for me, thank you, too.

Some of my favorite songs--and I don't know if this is the right terminology--are white-boy classics.

I don't see anybody, in any conference, that can shut me down. Any conference, anywhere in the world.

I am Superman. And the only thing that can kill Superman is Kryptonite. And Kryptonite doesn't exist.

Kobe always tried to be a hero. But you know, as the saying goes, a hero ain't nothing but a sandwich.

I'm very educated and can give you somewhat of a vocabulary, but I don't get to the philosophical side.

When I concentrate and focus, they always go in, so I'm gonna continue to do that, and they will go in.

I just want everyone to know I'm suing Ruben Studdard. He had his hand on my ass and he wouldn't let go.

I don't ever want to grow up. I guess I'm like Peter Pan. Grown-ups have problems. I want to stay happy.

I'm a weird big guy. Doing rapping, doing movies. Do a lot of stuff. But always do things the right way.

Their unselfishness, the way they play and their poise factor. When you never panic, that's a great sign.

It's my job to make him look good. He's a very good looking man, so it's my job to keep him looking good.

If you got the game, you got the game. That's why Tiger Woods is out there playing golf with Greg Norman.

I knew I was going to make one. I wanted to make two, but the first one rattled in and rattled right out.

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